Following the protest by about a hundred Monday at the Maplewood Walmart, all ammunition has been taken off the shelves. Nine protesters were charged with trespassing and arrested by Maplewood Police when they entered the store and refused to leave.
A sporting goods department employee said it was a “safety precaution, after the incident Monday night.”
See also: Michael Brown protesters target Maplewood Walmart
He said all the boxes were dumped into carts and will need to be sorted before going back onto shelves, and he hasn’t been told to do that yet.

Just read the STL Today story about the county police officer who felt the need to carry his shotgun while approaching a vehicle in a traffic stop. Sounds reasonable to me especially when I got to the end of the article and the criminal history of the “protestors” inside the vehicle was outlined. The officer was issued the weapon by the county and its his call when to use it. The idea that he has been put on leave pending an investigation is beyond stupid. I guess the protestors would prefer the cop waited until he was under fire to figure out he was outgunned by the protestors?
Its also a great idea to remove ammunition from stores that are possible targets for the protestors whose idea of peace and justice includes rioting, throwing molotov cocktails at the police, arson, assault, looting and carrying stolen firearms. Makes no difference anyhow, anyone who needs ammo for self defense has had a stockpile for quite a while.
Yeah, I’m sure the British said the same thing about those pesky Bostonians at their tea party.
What these losers are doing no longer is about Michael Brown–it is about creating chaos “just because they can.” I am glad they were arrested–and hope they have the ‘book thrown at them.’ They have no purpose any longer, but still want attention.