Maplewood’s speed trailer: data shows where speeders are


The Maplewood police speed trailer, which shows drivers their speed as they approach it, also collects data.  Since June it’s been used on Laclede Station Road, and Folk, Hazel, Marietta, Woodland and Lohmeyer avenues.

Folk Avenue saw the highest number of speeding violations recorded, at 58 percent. Laclede Station was next at 33. Hazel, near Myrtle was next with 31. Woodlawn Avenue followed with 30.

For each location, click the link for complete results.


  1. 7400 block of Flora, the speed limit is 20. At 5:30am weekdays, you can hear a green pickup truck with dual exhausts flying down the street. I’ve seen cars passing others that are doing the speed limit. They had the speed sign up showing how fast people were driving, but it doesn’t make a difference, the speeders know that it’s there and that they are going to get a ticket.

  2. We need a study of speeding on Marshall Ave. as well. People use it as an alternative to McCausland and I often hear them speeding.

    • It will likely increase as McCausland is being reduced to one lane each way for that ill-conceived biking path/greenway project. Its likely driving in a gutter with those crazy high curbs they put in.

  3. We coulde use some help on the 7300 block of Flora Avenue for the after work group that uses Flora coming off of 44 getting to Big Bend. The traffic is heavy and exceeds the speed limit. After the trailers are used are these areas policed and tickets given? How about another speed bump to slow things down?

  4. not sure how anyone can speed in most of Maplewood. The streets are either torn up with sewer repair work being done or just crowded with parked cars. Many places you have to pull over for a car to get by if someone is parked on the street. If those things don’t make a difference then it is the terrible surfaces of many of our streets. I cannot seem to speed if I needed to with the way the streets are in most of Maplewood.

    • Right you are. The side streets between Big Bend and Hanley are like downtown Mosul… Also, whats going on with that gate on Hazel by Tim Hortons? That is a one way street I recall – how do people get out of there?

      • It was a one way street but Horton’s insisted on putting an exit onto the residential street. It’s the only way to accommodate Horton’s and keep drivers from leaving the wrong way up Hazel.

    • At least the massive MSD project on Bellevue means the street is no longer a race track for people avoiding McCausland and all the ambulances heading to/from St. Mary’s Hospital.

      As someone who lives on the Maplewood/Richmond Heights border the difference in the road conditions are night and day. But that’s also a function of Richmond Heights’ higher property tax rate.


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