Beth Newman, a Maplewood resident, is one of the organizers for the upcoming ‘March for Truth,’ on Saturday, June 3, in downtown St. Louis. She says the issue affects all Americans and looks forward to a peaceful and energizing event.

“We are extremely excited to join with fellow citizens on both sides of the aisle,” she says.
Marchers will meet at the corner of 18th and Market streets at 10 a.m. then walk to the Arch to rally and hear speakers. Marches are being planned in 90+ cities worldwide.
Newman says they are calling for:
- Congressional investigations must be properly resourced and free of partisan interests or an independent investigation must be established.
- As much information as possible should be made public, as soon as possible.
- Congress must require Donald Trump to release his tax returns and clarify his business interests to foreign entities.
- Any crimes committed must be prosecuted.
Sarah Kendzior, a local St Louis journalist and author of The View From Flyover Country, has been confirmed to speak. She has written extensively about the Trump-Russia connection and appears often as a guest on MSNBC.
The March for Truth St Louis is being organized by Indivisible St Louis with help from Liberal Women Unite. Several progressive organizations will also be participating.
So what has 45 done to help the country? Tell me.
President Trump: What the new White House has done so far.
The list is so long there’s not room here or time to type it all. He’s undone a number of things 44 did to hurt our economy and national security. Big Corporate Media goes out of its way to report foibles or missteps and not the many good things so get them out of the house like I did and be happy! He just had a great trip to visit countries important to our foreign policy.
Click on the link embedded in my name to see a lengthy but not exhaustive list.
Give it a rest will ya? Trump won. Let him do his job. If you want to march against something march to oust and replace the disfunctional clowns in the Congress and Senate who get nothing done.
Looks like she should have campaigned in Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio if she really wanted to win. Our Founders established the Electoral College so small states would remain politically and socially strategic, and Donald Trump is smart enough to know this. His first 100 days in office were a big victory, why? Because she was not in the Oval Office! Ask Bernie what he thinks about her.
Maybe she should have assaulted some Fox News reporters? Apparently that a legitimate strategy these days.
Then she’d be just like antifa and college profs attacking the president’s supporters, not so good, right?. Oh and there’s Seth Rich and Wikileaks documents from DNC revealing a burn Bernie policy. Oh what a tangled web Podesta weaves.
My goodness. Leave this woman alone. So she’s helping to organize a rally. Why is this so offensive to you? I think you’ve been watching too much Sean Hannity for your own good.
And tell your soul mate Dave that “Congress” includes the Senate (from his first post). That’s something us “whiny liberals” all learned in the third grade.
Good luck Beth. The march isn’t one I would choose to attend, but I wish you well.
We love rallies Steve even ones promoted and organized by “progressive” collectivists and national-international socialists! You aren’t keeping up, my criticisms have been directed at your fearless leader hiLIARy. Beth Newman and Sarah Kendzior should carry on and bring all their fellow travelers out from the dark, dank places and into the light of day for all to see.
Wait, are you talking about the Republican from Montana who ran (and won) a seat in congress even though he attacked a reporter (Ben Jacobs) from the Guardian?
No, wrong, I’m referring to the unindicted felon Hillary R. Clinton.
What a bunch of crap from the whiny liberals that can’t get over loosing the presidential election with the worst possible candidate of the last 200 years!
And yet she still got the most votes.
Yeah, you know, all of those whiny liberals caring about democracy, scientific progress, and liberty for all Americans, not just the super wealthy. What a bunch of babies.
How do you explain the billionaire activist George Soros then? He pays million$ to bus in violent protesters like antifa and BLM and at universities across the country where Free Speech and diversity are only spoken words and not true in fact.
Doesn’t son-in-law Jared Kushner owe money to Soros?
I wouldn’t know and I’m thinking neither do you but there is an alleged unhealthy association with this devilish financial maestro Soros for sure. Why is it that Trump’s biggest problems always seem to come from the Democrats in his administration, a la Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn?
Yay, Beth!!
Thanks, Adelina!
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