Maureen Saunders to withdraw from election


Brentwood Ward 1 alderwoman, Maureen Saunders, Saturday afternoon (Feb. 6) gave notice to 40 South News by email (which was confirmed by phone) that on Monday she plans to withdraw from the April 5 election. She said she has two last issues she’d like to bring forward in her remaining time.

Saunders’ statement:

I have enjoyed representing the residents of our fine City. When I took office the city was under fire due to embezzlement, legal issues related to the Meridian, lack of financial procedures and policies, only $500,000 in reserves, fraudulent overtime, illegal health benefits for elected officials etc. Many of these issues plaguing our City have been resolved, however, in the process I have been labeled as being negative, when my primary concern has been on moving the City forward with best practices and procedures. Regardless it takes five votes for legislation to pass or fail and yet somehow only my vote is the primary focus.

I have two last issues to bring forward in my remaining time as an elected official.

The first issue is terminating elected officials participation in the noncommissioned (excluding public safety) employee’s LAGERS Pension Plan. Being an elected official is part of civic duty. The time we spend being elected officials, some spend considerably more time than others, comes back to us in the form of civic pride. When we do our jobs, we all benefit by having a wonderful place to call home. Some stipend for our time is understandable, however, benefits should be reserved for full time employees. Hopefully the pension for elected officials will be terminated, but like all issues, it takes five votes and we not may be in agreement.

The second issue is pay parity for the police and fire employees. My thoughts are that most residents agree in today’s world the police officers’ job has become much more demanding and dangerous. During each police traffic stop or altercation, it is very possible it could result in danger, but definitely results in split second judgement calls  and mounds of paperwork. In the job market, The police often lag the firemen in pay even though the their job has increased risk and challenges. Presently, market pay doesn’t recognize these increased challenges and danger in the police jobs. Regardless, many residents, including me, are willing forge the way for higher pay for all our men in blue.

We may not all agree  on these issues but that’s the beauty of the democratic process, we are all entitled to our opinion, no matter how passionate, and our individual vote.

Last, we all should be excited about participating in the UPDATE of the 2006 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. My goal since taking office has been to update the 2006 Comprehensive Plan. Per the plan, it should have been updated in 2011. It took almost four years but we will begin the update in 2016. This plan is the future vision for our city. It is important that all residents participate in the public sessions which permits them to express their ideas and goals for our City.

For me personally, would love to see Brentwood Blvd. become walkable neighborhood mix use. Perhaps have a central garage or parking at one end so we can attract independent businesses, not big box, without encroaching on the neighborhood. I’m sure the residents have many ideas to share, and all are worth exploring, so that we can bring back a sense of character and home to our City. I look forward to participating in these sessions as a resident of Brentwood with the hope we develop a plan that we can all rally behind and work together to accomplish.

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your Ward 1 Alderwoman and to represent the concerns of all the residents of Brentwood.

We residents have always take great pride in our city and schools. We have worked together to move our city in a positive direction and have laid the path to a bright future. Let’s all continue to move Brentwood forward with transparency, accountability, integrity and civic pride!


Maureen Saunders

Update: City clerk, Octavia Pittman, said Friday that at this point Saunders needs to go through the circuit court to pull her name, and she won’t know about it until it has gone that process.

This leaves David Dimmitt running unopposed for the Ward 1 seat. See also: Two file to run in Brentwood on last day; who’s running, Alderwoman Saunders responds to mayor’s statement on the budget


  1. Ok, Geppert here’s your headline: Mr, Completely keeps B-Wood from finding peace? What s joke. Brentwood is and will be a mess as long as STMM continues to pick it’s Mayors and aldermen. Kelly’s dirty trick squad…hate mail, crook for city manager, censure and harassment of women…bully of a mayor who doesn’t have the sense to conseal his identity when intimidating women in a public forum…yea its all my fault. Get over yourself.

    • It’s hard to argue with Mr. Completely’s point that Brentwood will continue to be a mess as long as St. Mary Magdalen’s political squad meddles in our elections and selects our mayors. Look at the squad’s sorry track record, which includes Kurtz, Kelly, and Thornton. Does our republic’s Church-State separation not apply to Brentwood?

      Chris Thornton lacks the gravitas, maturity, and temperament to be a successful mayor. He’s in over his head and appears to be becoming emotionally unhinged. (Publicly disclosing enemies’ street addresses!) When his term expires next year, let’s do ourselves and our city a big favor and ignore the election recommendations of St. Mary Magdalen for a change.

      • Your Church – State seperation would have to include Maureen Saunders and Andy Leahy or any other of our alderman or other residents who attend St. Mary Magdalen Church as would be included in “St. Mary Magdalen’s political squad” as you call it. Interesting that you want to ignone all these candidates as well.

        • John – those two candidates did not ask any members of the Parish to put out a letter endorsing them. They both separated themselves from that, as Father Jack wants no part of politics. For you to lump them in with the Mayor is completely unfair given they are simply folks who attend mass at St. Mary Magdalen. I see Andy there frequently, as he helps usher and is a Eucharistic Minister along with a scout leader. Never once heard him talk politics. Again, you are so out there with your comment it is frightening. For Maureen and Andy, you are calling in to question their intentions of being followers of Christ. For the Mayor he used the association to sway votes. Calling, shame on you for this post John, way off base.

          • Tony if that is your name – Just because you say so it must be true. Is our current Mayor part of the congregation at STMM? I do not believe so. Did Andy and Maureen run campaigns to be elected 4 years ago? -YES Did they win? – YES Are they part of STMM church? YES Are part of “St. Mary Magdalen’s political squad” – YES. If you think that they did not campaign around the church, fish frys, basketball games, school picnics on the church grounds and other CYC and boy scouting events you have no idea how politics work. I have heard that Andy stands greeting people at the door of the church shaking peoples hands like a politician just like he does on election day at the polls. A good politician does not have to talk inside the church with the pastors blessing at the pulpit. I am Catholic and a member of STMM church and my comments have nothing to do about religion or what anyone believes.

    • Mr. (assuming) Completely (doubtful). Cluck, Cluck, Cluck. Come out of the hen house and show yourself. Ask me to get over myself. Don’t ask if you don’t even show yourself.
      Come out of the hen house, show yourself and then try to be taken seriously. Or just stay hackling with the hens invisible to those that you call. Interesting, your response was just to me and not to me as well as Ms. Ault. I will leave it to the readers to interrupt. Leadership does not emerge from a hen house

  2. I sure wish that blogs would not allow cowards to hide behind a fake name to follow any agenda. If you believe in something – use your name. If you disagree with something use your name. Stand up and be an adult human being.

    • Sure thing Liz, kindly provide your addresses, social security number and contact information so we can verify your identity. You can submit it to the mayor.

      • I used my real name – you want to be an ass feel free to “Google” me. LIZ AULT email Oh, dang, Liz is a nickname. I am Mary Elizabeth Ault. Feel free to forward to mayor. I again say use your REAL name. Otherwise unless in witness protection you are a coward.

        • I used my real name you want to be an ass feel free to “Google” me. LIZ AULT email dang, Liz is a nickname. I am Mary Elizabeth Ault. Feel free to forward to mayor. I again say use your REAL name. Otherwise unless in witness protection you are a coward.

          • Bravo Ms. Ault. So come on Mr. Completely, or should I say completely without merit. Ms. Ault and others put their names on the table. I agree. You are a coward. And no one should take seriously the point of view of a person who hides in the shadows not to be seen and then yells like they have something of value to add to a conversation. Brentwood needs to find some peace and YOU, hiding yourself, are surely not an answer.

  3. Following are two comments in this thread that seemed to have disappeared when I was in the site Saturday night, responding to a comment. They are here now, though not in chronological order. I apologize.

    From Mr. Completely:
    Doug: The mayor already had her address, what he wanted was to intimidate her and anyone else who was following the thread. Real tough guy, what’s next mayor gonna send her some marbles?

    From Jim Fitzpatrick:
    Doug – some of us think you should repost the Mayor’s thoughts, simply take off Maureen Wheat’s address. What the Mayor did was speak volumes of how he can be a “bully”. Calling out a private citizen on a public forum like 40 South. Doug, why not ask Mayor Thorton what his aim was in asking Maureen Wheat where she lived? Our Mayor, in calling out a private citizen for expressing their opinion brings a new low to our city. It is a shame you are letting him run for cover Doug. Also, to the families at St. Mary Magdalen who endorsed Chris Thorton for Mayor, you may want to apologize to those of us who followed your lead and voted for him, you definitely led us down the wrong path,

  4. I have restored the comments by Brentwood Mayor Chris Thornton that I previously removed from this thread — with the addresses redacted. The comments were restored to remove speculation about their content. I had thought the comments were completely deleted, but they were not.

  5. Doug Minor – after reading all the posts, including yours about removing the mayor’s post at his request, I must assume the reports I have heard of our mayor identifying a citizen by name and address in a threatening and intimidating manner were true…how sad! Our highest elected official acting out with such an offensive and schoolyard bully attitude is an embarrassment to all of Brentwood and people should take notice. The citizens who pay for the services of our city and his salary are not allowed to speak or ask questions any longer, but the elected official continues to reign over the city by trying to instill terror? How unprofessional and threatening for all of us. How can we help ourselves to become the city of warmth again – From the top of city hall down to the residents? Another legacy of sadness in Brentwood politics….

  6. The nature of these comments fairly mirrors the conduct of Alderwoman Saunders while elected. There is no compromise, no solutions to problems, or vision to take Brentwood forward. Just a small group of loud residents slandering and intentionally making false accusations against those who have an opinion that is different then their own. This type of behavior solves nothing and leads to dysfunction and is why the city will be better off come April of this year.
    And another thing to add, those of us who are elected live in this community with our families. When you print those personal attacks they our seen by parents, spouses and CHILDREN. So if someone goes over the line in personal attacks that have nothing to do with Brentwood government and the elected official takes action, good for that elected official for taking action. That is not bullying, that is trying set a tone of decency. Maureen Wheat’s comments were way out of line. Its fine to say she doesn’t like Thornton as Mayor or his policies but that is not what she did, she made personal attacks.

    • Alderman Toohey – how can you even remotely think what the Mayor did was okay. Saunders attacks facts, the Mayor was personal, calling out a Brentwood citizen. You are showing how low you can now be with the Mayor by your response. Absolutely shocking that you think what he did is okay and that Maureen had any bearing on his actions. Amazing, you can not be more out of touch. Your little group up at city hall reminds me of the Hillary Clinton fan club, it’s all a “Right Wing Conspiracy”. In this case everything that goes wrong against you gentleman is a “Maureen Conspiracy”. Saunders has offered lots of solutions, problem is you don’t like them. Save money, go after the bond money to recover stolen money, do a more in depth audit, she was the reason we got higher reserves, remember, you did not want the citizens to know our reserve. Now you want credit for the higher level. She is the reason we had a compensation study, she wants to hold down our crazy top of the market pay scale and she has pushed from day one to get the City’s Plan updated, which is how late? Alderman Toohey, you really need to stop down and realize you are not the answer, you are just a yes man.

        • Truth – my name is Tony, I live near St. Mary Magdalen, have the courtesy of using your name and would be happy to put my opinion on tape at the next meeting if you will state your opinion. My guess is you are one of the many employees who have a lot to lose.

    • Patrick, the mayor/BOA makes decisions–that affect EVER resident’s life. Like it or not, i presented A PATTERN OF INDULGENCES, over which he has control–unexercised control, but control none the less. I would say the same about you, as I have repeatedly posted that neither of you are well suited to your responsibilities. YOU DO NOT LISTEN. YOU JUST FEIN A deer in the headlights look, and do whatever you originally wanted. As far back as the election debates, you two were “style over substance.” Just remember , i am the listener out of the three of us. Neither of you knows how to listen with discretion and focus, nor holistically interpret information to synthesize what the people want and how to make it work, with give and take compromises.

      I offered the mayor a deal that i would never post about him again, if he would take a sabbatical for 6 mo.’s and leave his overwhelmingly voted in second, Ald Krammer in charge. Or have you forgotten, Chris was your sole supporter as his #2—WHAT DOES THAT SAY? Oh–never mind…you are not worth the gray matter i expend answering your posts…two aspirin and some Enya or Joni Mitchell and you will be but a partial, passing memory until you are bumped off the reality line. Welcome to Hillary world, where it is so, because you say it is so. But it’s really not. Go figure…

      • Revisionist history again. First vote for Acting president of the Board is below. I do not see anything overwhelming about the below vote…

        Ballots were accepted from Alderman for the position of Acting President of the Board:
        Alderman Kramer received 3 votes
        Alderwoman Saunders received 3 votes
        Alderman Toohey received 2 votes

        While he was eventually selected it took three rounds for that to happen. I do not see that has a mandate.

    • Yes, we miss the good old days of corruption, employees stealing from us, employees working when they felt like it, paying for employees gambling problems, poor state audits,
      no cash reserves and of course city credit cards so employees could skip paying taxes. Yes Maureen, woe is you, you took away all of out fun.

    • Doug – some of us think you should repost the Mayor’s thoughts, simply take off Maureen Wheat’s address. What the Mayor did was speak volumes of how he can be a “bully”. Calling out a private citizen on a public forum like 40 South. Doug, why not ask Mayor Thorton what his aim was in asking Maureen Wheat where she lived? Our Mayor, in calling out a private citizen for expressing their opinion brings a new low to our city. It is a shame you are letting him run for cover Doug. Also, to the families at St. Mary Magdalen who endorsed Chris Thorton for Mayor, you may want to apologize to those of us who followed your lead and voted for him, you definitely led us down the wrong path,

      • Jim – I’m not sure why Thornton wanted Maureen Wheat’s address, though he obviously had a change of heart. I did delete, not unapprove, his comments so I can’t repost them. Thanks for your feedback.

        • Doug: The mayor already had her address, what he wanted was to intimidate her and anyone else who was following the thread. Real tough guy, what’s next mayor gonna send her some marbles?

      • Thank you Jim Fitzpatrick for identifying exactly what those posts were: bully-tactics and pretending he did not know who i am. He knows.

        Sorry Chris, but you hit me in one of my stronger skill areas: blasting abuse of power, exposing portraits of ignorance against others, and bullying where ever it occurs. I knew exactly what you were doing. You only removed BOTH posts because you looked so bad and were desperately trying to look like an attorney. Well you did look bad and you used a legal affectation having no depth.

        Attempting to bully me is a waste of your efforts. I know what you are, as your veneer reads like an old book. You are a glad-hander, and lack the skill set needed to be an effective mayor of our City.

        I’ll make a deal with you: take a 6-month sabbatical, leave your second in command, Ald. Krammer in charge–and see if the residents don’t start returning to meetings, speaking their minds, and if the hostile climate you need to OWN is not ratcheted down. Do that and i will never post about you again. Citizens whose opinions you do not share will be given due consideration, as you will not be there to halt the dialog you disagree with. Honorable peace and respect for our Citizens would flourish. Deal?? I’m in.

      • As flawed as he was, Pat Kelly was a better mayor than the man who succeeded him. Chris Thornton has proven himself to be unfit for the job and an embarrassment to our city. He needs to go as soon as possible. I, too, recall the SMM Political Squad’s voting instructions to parishioners last year and wonder if the squad now regrets its election meddling. (Why does this church even have a political squad in the first place?)

        As for the Feb. 7 comment by one “J. Bischoff,” this would appear to be someone’s cynical and lame attempt at political mischief. The goal here was to lead us to believe that this was penned by Jim Bischoff, who lost to Maureen Saunders in the 2012 Ward 1 race. How stupid does this trickster think we are? Jim is a good and decent man who would not resort to authoring such a snide, classless remark.

        Finally, I wish to thank Maureen for her remarkable courage, stamina, wisdom, and accomplishments, and Cindy Manestar for playing a critical role in these accomplishments. These women did our city proud and deserve our respect and gratitude.

  7. Alderman Saunders has worked tirelessly for the betterment of government in our city. I first became acquainted with Maureen in the summer of 2012 when she was circulating the audit petition. Like Dorothy of Kansas fame, Maureen led a bunch of us down the yellow brick road where we discovered that the mayor was just a man, afterall, and that Oz had big problems. State auditor Schweich confirmed Maureen’s findings with findings of his own, issuing the rating of poor. She has been right on so many issues and accomplished so much, but the vitriol continues. Remember, in Brentwood we don’t shoot the messenger, we try to censure her on a motion by our least prepared alderman with the particulars provided by the mayor. Maureen Saunders pushed for “best practices.” Mark Wilson promised “a new day in Brentwood.” For me, I see a flock of flying monkeys on the horizon, and Kansas is still out of reach.

  8. Your mayor showing his true colors. So funny to watch you clowns. Maplewood doesn’t have the same hatred and infighting, thank goodness. Get some peace before it’s too late.

    • As a maplewood resident, it is a shame that I have to read you calling other Brentwood residents clowns. Just do what every other MW resident does and be objective or dont comment at all. It only makes maplewood look bad. Not Brentwood.

  9. Former employee as well. I’m right there with you Mike, but she’s not the only one that needs to go; all the senior members should be shown the door, especially those that were in place during the Seemayer days.

  10. Was nice to finally see a strong female voice on the Board. Prior female representation simply rubber stamped what the Mayor wanted. Sad reality, the men on the board, went off the deep end when challenged with legitimate questions by of all thing “a woman”. Hard to believe a culture like this still exists in 2016 when women outnumber men in the workforce. To the men on the board, you got your wish chasing off the only female Brentwood has had, that actually brought substance to the board. Will be sad to see the Brentwood community represented by 9 white males after the next election. Diversity and Brentwood don’t seem to mix. When you add up all the elected officials, appointees in P&Z, review boards etc, can someone break down how many white males we have, females, Hispanics, and African Americans?

  11. Mike – appreciate your comment, only one request, do you have any facts to back up that claim. We have heard that from folks like you, yet no one has ever given any of us some proof. Seems to me the place went from working for Seemeyer which was a part time job to being held accountable by Bola. Some have left because Brentwood ethics are poor, the Mayor has been rumored to be a bully, one needs to only watch Board Meeting to see his temper and how he shuts down anyone who disagrees, and some leave because they just don’t like the games the Brentwood “old boys club” plays that we never see. Again, Mike enlighten us, win us over.

    • The comments of ‘Mike’ the ‘former employee’ of the city of Brentwood have been removed because they came from 2 different email addresses and he had no explanation.

      • Thanks, Mr. Miner, for discovering this abuse of the Comments Forum and taking appropriate action.

        This tends to support the growing belief that there are a few individuals — perhaps current or former city employees who don’t live or pay taxes here — who have personal grudges and agendas, and who are hiding behind pseudonyms in order to spew their hatred.

        I didn’t get to read “Mike’s” comments before they were zapped, but I’m sure I didn’t miss anything of value, since he had resorted to using deceptive tactics.

        Ald. Saunders’ decision to retire is understandable, considering the abuse and disrespect she endured from various city officials over the last 4 years. But her motives were always honorable and selfless — to rescue our city from the Black Lagoon of Corruption and protect city taxpayers — and her departure is a big loss to those of us who want an honest, transparent, and accountable city government.

        To Ald. Saunders I say: “Job well done! You can be proud of your many accomplishments over the last 4 years, and you have already earned your retirement. If there was ever a Brentwood alderman who deserved to receive a retirement pension, it’s you! Thank you!”

    • Once again, Aletheia–you are spot on correct. Except for your use of the word “rumored” re his bullying–that is a fact. He does not bring credit or credentials to the mayoral chamber. His style is excessively compensatory, over-eats to compensate, halts conversations he cannot control to compensate, shows an ugly disposition when he disagrees to compensate and even brags on his hog–a very direct and pointed compensatory choice. Just think: what would be the governing-scape if we could just get rid of the mayor and Patrick T.? They are both from the “I am an entitled whiner and i want what i want” generation; Me-Me-Me. And when you fall feint–then tell your replacement to “gimme more.” AND THAT, KIDS IS WHY THE “REAL MAN” IN THE HERD IS A WOMAN: MAUREEN SAUNDERS. She, unambiguously asked the right questions–posing an embarrassment to these she-males. I wish Maureen S. would stay and they would go… SHE IS HONEST–the she-males are players.

      • Maureen – For someone that claims to be a Christian, you sure due spew a ton of hate and vitriol at people you have probably never meet. How many of the current board members have you had conversations with? My guess is 1 or 2, so to say disparaging things about the whole board is not very Christian. I think it is time you look in the mirror.

        • No. Just the mayor and ald. toohey. I stand by what I post. However, since you are ok to hide your thin skin, dear “TRUTH” at least select a closet signature a little more accuracy: “self-righteous, hapless, guess-speculator who does not know the meaning of Truth”. What say?

        • Truth, I apologize for challenging your screen name. It is not “hate” or “vitriol”, nor is it about the entire BOA. It is pointedly calling out two specific people, who really do not listen. Thank you for your post.

      • Dear Ms. Wheat,

        I was advised to read these comments on 40 South and have only one question for you: Are you, in fact Ms. Catherine M. Wheat, residing at ++++++, Brentwood, Missouri 63144?

        Thank you,

        Christopher A. Thornton
        Mayor of Brentwood

          • oh, Lord…you are more clueless than even I thought. I will stop posting about you, when you begin to show personal discipline vs your self-absorbed, self-flagellating, “can’t get enough of myself”, “I know better than you” mayoral style. The only vote i have for you is one of “no confidence.” My percentages of being correct are uncannily high. But then, I am a listener, and non-responsive to bully tactics, and set-ups like “….oh.i was advised to read these…” CLUELESS, you are; just clueless.

          • WOW – our Mayor is showing his true colors going after a citizen because of their opinion. Or is someone using the Mayor’s name? This is a brand new low and just proves our Mayor is a bully –

        • Are you really the mayor of Brentwood? Why on earth would you publish people’s full names and addresses on a public website forum? Is that some kind of intimidation tactic of yours? If you are not the mayor, somebody needs to alert the actual mayor that someone is impersonating him on a 40 South News forum and those names and addresses should be removed by this forum’s moderator because I am sure that is not ethical. If you are the mayor, shame on you–you are a bully and not just an average bully, you’re a mean, ignorant bully too!

          • Maplewood Resident, THAT is the real mayor. Not an impersonator. He slicked and ‘glad-handed” his way into the office, with style over substance. After a ‘spoiler’, who in fairness did register on the first day, the 3 way split, sifted barely enough to give this guy the win…it was nothing close to a “honest” win. As soon as Chris took office even his voters were rudely awakened to the reality of his “my way or the hi-way” full court press for an agenda not matching what he promised on campaign. Additionally, as soon he was the sitting mayor, he was the only other vote for loser Toohey, aside from Toohey himself. If i were suspicious, i would say these two underskilled, overly ambitious low-tactic and equally low minded men had a gentlemen’s agreement, who ever won would press to have the other named second in the mayor’s absence. Fortunately that failed–overwhelmingly and Ald Krammer was elected, after 3 votes and the stepping out of the running by Ald. Saunders–just to move the process forward there was a unanimous (minus ‘da boyz’ self-serving) votes. Check out the u-tube ‘fist-pounding’menality of the mayor- and his side kick, ald. Toohey. Maybe MW could hold a educational seminar for our mayor on consensus building rather than tantrum exhibitions. MW has really shoned a good light on effective City Adm. love, maureen

            We could use the peace among our otherwise Aldermen and voters who now see the duality of pre&post election mayoral temperament

  12. We should chisel Kellys name out of the fire department cornerstone and replace it with Saunders, she is truly an example of what a public servant and a strong woman looks like.

    • Amen to that. I totally agree! She worked hard and is a great example of what putting in the time and effort of someone who cares about their city. Maureen put her heart and soul into each issue that came up and put the work in! Thank you for ALL that you have done for Brentwood . Without you a lot of what was going on behind the scenes would never have been exposed.

  13. Given there was a J Bischoff that ran for the same Ward 1 seat who was involved with a very ugly campaign model, not sure the statement has much merit. For a Ward 1 seat, the mudslinging was rather outrageous. And how did the Saunders campaign respond, staying with the issues. As I recall she spoke very highly of you during the whole process. Are you sure you want to pave this road again?

  14. I am so sorry you felt you had to do this, I support your decision. As a citizen of your ward I’m thankful for the time you gave and the unwavering support of your constituents. Hope we aren’t going to go even further backwards.

  15. Maureen, Thank you SO much for serving our great city. Your diligence, integrity and passion in always seeking out transparency and truth has not gone unnoticed, that’s for sure. You’ve served our city well, and I’m extremely grateful. Any job in politics can not be easy and not for the faint of heart!

  16. The only watch dog the people had, what a shame. Less money for infrastructure improvements and more to the employees and elected officials. This is a true loss for the citizens of Brentwood.
    Do not be surprised when our Alderman give themselves benefits again. And we will soon have a Brentwood receptionist making $89,000 a year with benefits.


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