Maya Cafe opens; Tim Hortons breaks ground


After closing last summer with no reason given publicly, Maya Cafe announced on Twitter Wednesday morning they’re opening for lunch and dinner. Also, construction workers were on the Tim Hortons site Wednesday morning.

photo(4)Maya Cafe announced on Twitter, “Thank You for all your support. We made it! Open for lunch today 11-2 p.m. & dinner 5-9 p.m.”

Maya will be open for lunch Tuesday thru Friday 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and Saturday 12-3 p.m.

After some ‘soft’ openings, owner, Jay Schober said Wednesday morning they opened for lunch and dinner on Tuesday, and everything went well. He said Maya Cafe should continue to remain open for lunch and dinner.

Wednesday morning workers were onsite at the future Maplewood Tim Hortons, which is set to open this spring, or early summer.  Maplewood building official Brain Herr said construction traffic will not be allowed on Hazel Avenue.

Maplewood officials OK’d the restaurant in November. See also: Tim Hortons: 24-hour operation is non-negotiable; final vote next meeting

Workers on the site of the first Tim Hortons in St. Louis, in Maplewood.
Workers on the site, Wednesday morning, of the first Tim Hortons in St. Louis, on the corner of Big Bend and Hazel Avenue.





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