Maplewood Mayor Barry Greenberg running for re-election


Maplewood Mayor Barry Greenberg is running for a second term in the April 6 elections, facing off against MRH School Board member, Nikylan Knapper. Greenberg has information about his candidacy on his campaign website, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Greenberg listed his qualifications to be mayor of Maplewood on Instagram, mayorbarrygreenberg:

MY 8 MAYORAL QUALIFICATIONS! I have decades of experience serving as a leader in the Maplewood community in different capacities. Below is a list of what I would consider my most important qualifications for being mayor as well as some quick personal thoughts on each qualification (just below).

1) Passionate about Maplewood, relocated business to city in 1988, moved residence to city in 1999. I have modified my 1892 residence to age in place and remain in Maplewood forever.

2) Maplewood business owner and ran successful 20+ architectural staff for 39 years as sole owner. I am analytical, logical and organized and I know how to address business challenges.

3) Served on the Economic Development Committee on Maplewood Chamber of Commerce 1990-1996. Maplewood was in poor financial shape and had self-esteem issues when I started on Chamber.

4) Served on Maplewood Design and Review Board 1996-2003. Helped shape the physical environment and designed many image changing projects in town.

5) Maplewood Businessperson of the Year 1999, Maplewood Chamber of Commerce. I understand the importance of our businesses to our city’s image and prosperity.

6) Chair, Maplewood Historic Preservation Commission, 2001-2003. Maplewood has a rich and diverse history that needs to be preserved and celebrated.

7) City Council member 2003 – 2017 and helped create the Sustainability Commission. I put Maplewood’s needs first and collaborated with other council members and commissions.

8) As Mayor since 2017, I have worked to improve my skills through classes, workshops and conferences. I love the City and would like to continue to make Maplewood an even better community.

On Twitter @mayor_greenberg listed his 15 top priorities as mayor:




  1. Barry, Please give me a call. I live in Maplewood and received your postcard. I own a business in Richmond Hgts. and feel that it would benefit you and your campaign if you could give me a quick call. You can call my office. 314 781-6008 Not business of a sales call. Thanks Sue Huber

    • Hm. What do you mean by “too progressive”? Progressive in 2021 just means: Equity, equality, and inclusion. New approaches (reforms) to ineffective programs. So, by “too progressive”, do you mean “too equal”? Because it sure sound like you mean “too equal”.

  2. I think he has done an excellent job as mayor and has been very responsive to citizens. Someone called me about supporting someone else that I didn’t know, but I’m thinking he has my vote.

    • He’s always doing special favors for people who live on his street too! Proud to be his neighbor. Living in Camelot comes with benefits!

      • This is an interesting statement. What do you mean when you say our mayor is “doing special favors” for those living on his street? Please elaborate. And many in Maplewood, who don’t live on the mayor’s street and who are struggling daily, would not consider this town or their own neighborhood to be Camelot. Interesting perspective.


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