Mayor Greenberg signs open letter supporting climate action


Maplewood Mayor Barry Greenberg covered a few items coming for the city in a call to 40 South on Friday. He first mentioned an environmental initiative he supports.

Greenberg said there are several environmental initiatives he could support. He has signed is the “We Are Still In” — mayors, governors, college and university leaders, businesses, and investors who continue to support climate action to meet the Paris Agreement.

He said it won’t obligate Maplewood to any more than what the city already does. And since Maplewood surpassed every other community in the United States — winning the EPA Green Power Community of the Year Award last year, we should qualify.

At a 6 p.m. work session planned, before the Tuesday council meeting, for the officials to hear a presentation by Scott Woodbury of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Woodbury helped the city of Chesterfield implement its native plant ordinance.

It was Maplewood’s ‘weed ordinance’ that resident Alice Hezel fought the city over for several years with the native plants, such as milk weed, growing in her front yard.

Greenberg also said he is surprised that no one has contacted him about the Community Development Block Grant Fund.

He said he can only assume that everyone has had their their questions answered, which is why they’re not coming forth now. He said some of the ideas for use of the grant don’t qualify, based on geography and income.

“People wanted to to go to things that it can’t (based on geography and income) and I think we’ve answered their questions,” he said. The city council will do a final vote on the CDBG. They decided not to put it in the work session.


  1. I support Mayor Greenberg’s signing of the “We are Still In” environmental initiative. I am very proud to be a citizen of a community whose administration takes climate science seriously.

  2. Barry — this is demonstrably false. Numerous citizen shave e-mailed you about the grants, including a concerned group of citizens trying to set up a meeting to discuss the proposed walking path. We also sent full proposals in this morning.


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