Mayor: dispute caused Total Access president to ‘take his toys and go home’


Maplewood Mayor Barry Greenberg said Thursday that Total Access Urgent Care president, Dr. Matthew Bruckel, didn’t get his way on signage for a proposed new Total Access at 7469 Manchester Road, and that’s why it’s now not coming to Maplewood, and a new car lot is planned instead.

The Total Access Care sign plan didn’t pass Maplewood Design and Review because it didn’t conform to the city ordinance. Greenberg said Bruckel then called him about wanting a sign facing Big Bend Boulevard.

See also: Total Access Urgent Care president explains his view on Maplewood sign ordinance, why they’re now not coming to Maplewood

Bruckel told Greenberg that 80 percent of their business comes from signs and that they had to have it. Greenberg said Thursday that he told him business should come from delivering good service.

Greenberg said Bruckel told him the city lets everyone else do it. Greenberg said the businesses allowed to have signs on Big Bend are planned unit developments and are over an acre.

Greenberg said changing the design of the building could have accomplished what Bruckel wanted, but Bruckel told him he couldn’t change the design in any way or form.

Bruckel told Greenberg, “I’m spending millions and you don’t want me here,” Greenberg said.

Greenberg said all he had to do was change the tower design. He also said the Total Access plan included buying an adjacent lot for more parking.

“He wanted it his way or take his toys and go home, and that’s what he did,” Greenberg said.

Update: Dr. Matthew Bruckel has been contacted for comment on this issue.


  1. I think there probably was not another TAUC needed at that location but I definitely love the one in Rock Hill. I have been there many times and have no complaints. I would much rather go there than to an ER or even my regular doctor who I have to wait a long time to get an appointment with. When I fell last spring and broke a bone in my hand they x rayed it and my face as I had some broken bones in my face. They did suggest I go to the ER. I went to the one at St. Mary’s and they did nothing and charged me $100 co -pay.

  2. Just a side note and something to ponder: Maybe TAUC needed another site to cover the costs of being sued. Doctor, you know what I’m referring too. Although you have some very competent and sincerely good staff, of which I have experienced, you do seem to “over prescribe” uneeeed procedures and possibly meds. Like your protocol on that damn steroid shot you “recommend” every time someone has congestion, cough or cold symptoms. . You, again, know what I’m referring too. I agree with our great Mayor in keeping the standards of Maplewood in tact. TAUC has enough locations close to MRH that we can make it to anyone of those and get care if needed. I do realize it is a business and good for the Doctor to be an entrepreneur! But I would ensure the good Docs ethics are in tact. JS. With all those Millions you speak of, all you had to do what change a couple easy items The Grest Mayor was suggesting and you would have had us all on the “steroid” shot. JS! Good Luck!

    • If someone is going to an urgent care because of symptoms, and not staying home and dealing with the cough or congestion like most people do, then the presumption is that the patient really would like a recommended treatment with faster relief. I mean after all, that is why they are going to an urgent care facility and not waiting to see their primary care doc/pa/np. Just saying.

  3. Maybe it’s because there are 400,000 TAUC’s within a 5 mile radius of Maplewood? Now there are Mercy Urgent Cares coming. Oh and yes…. you had better have insurance if you want to use one of these places. Not for the poor.

  4. I’m confused about the logistics of getting a sign on Big Bend from that lot. Was he expecting to be able to install a pylon sign tall enough to be viewed cleanly from Big Bend?

  5. Unfortunately, I was not contacted for comment on this article. The story does not accurately represent the facts. We love Maplewood and it is true that we were not able to work out a compromise. We agreeed to several modifications but were told that we would not be allowed to have any signage facing Big Bend, the high volume road. We are committed to delivering high quality, fast, friendly and affordable healthcare in every neighborhood in the greater St Louis area. I recommend and welcome that reporters reach out to me anytime prior to writing an article about us. My cell phone is (314) 458-0044. Thank you. Matt Bruckel, MD

    • You are scam artists and I am relieved you were unable to come to Maplewood. You should be ashamed of what you are doing to make a buck. Healthcare should not be a business and especially not the way you conduct it, sir.

      • Just for clarification, what exactly is he doing to “make a buck”? From my experience with TAUC, they are a reliable healthcare facility that provides a faster and more convenient alternative to an emergency room. If you don’t agree with Dr. Bruckel’s business practices, then I encourage you to never visit a TAUC facility. However, personally attacking him is childish and a poor representation of the character that the citizens of Maplewood possess.

      • I recently moved out of Maplewood after living there for almost 10 years partly due to the overly pretentious attitudes that people in the neighborhood were getting. Get over yourselves. With that out of the way, having used the TAUC facility many times over the past 5 years or so, I strongly disagree with your statement. The offer very fast and affordable service and the staff there is very professional. Seriously, I perfer going to them when possible.

  6. I feel like TAUC would do well to look at the former McDonald’s lot at Deer Creek Plaza, actually. That could be a very good place for an urgent care.

  7. I believe that 80% of their business does come from their signs, and the mayor’s statement of how business should come from good service doesn’t exactly apply to a business like TAUC. If said the way it’s reported, it’s actually a bit snarky and superior. TAUC knows where their business comes from. Urgent care facilities are the convenience stores of the medical biz – you go to them because they’re convenient. Yes, if you’ve had a bad experience, you’re unlikely to go back to the same one, but you’re not exactly jumping on Yelp to read service reviews if you’re bleeding at midnight and in need of stitches right now. You’re hitting the one you drive by first, or the one that’s most convenient, the one you can find. All that said, I’m glad TAUC is not coming to Maplewood as I find their signage overwhelming and tacky – and I get why it is, but still, blech.

    • Thank you for the benefit of the doubt. During our conversation, we disagreed on the importance of signage in attracting clientele. The project didn’t qualify and was not submitted as a planned unit development, therefore it had to conform with the provisions of the zoning ordinance and signage requirements. When a PUD is established, they have the ability to ask for modifications to what is required in the sign ordinance. If it is appropriate, it will be considered and approved. Since we disagreed on what should be the motivating factor for selecting an urgent care provider, and it was not within my power to give him an exception for his sign, he said that he was not going to pursue the location. There were other design solutions proposed that would require modifications to the building design that he did not want to consider, so we were at an impasse. That was the gist of our conversation, there was no animosity or snarkiness involved.

  8. I am glad the Mayor and Design and Review Board stayed in line with the cities Design Guidelines. The design submitted was terrible for Maplewood. I am not saying the business was, just that the design belongs in Chesterfield. If I am not mistaken this property is within the Special Business District, were it should fall to higher scrutiny then say Deer Creek Plaza or Hanley Developments. Doug Miner, can you verify that? It sounds to me like TAUC wasnt willing to play by the same rules in Maplewood that they would be required to play by in Webster or Kirkwood or Richmond Heights for that matter.

  9. I wonder which would bring more tax money to Maplewood. A valid point would also be that there are a variety of urgent cares nearby, including Total Access. There are also a variety of car dealers offering both new and used vehicles.
    It might have been useful to compare some tax data to see a rough estimate of how much both businesses would bring in.

  10. That spot doesn’t need an Urgent Care. There are 3 total Access locations within 3 miles too. Let alone 4 more urgent cares that arent total access within 3 miles.

    Glad this didn’t happen.


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