About a dozen Brentwood residents came to Mayor Pat Kelly’s coffee on Friday at City Hall. He began by apologizing for missing last month’s meeting; he was on vacation. He said the next coffee will be Dec. 19.
Kelly covered these Brentwood highlights.
- The new Brentwood Chick-fil-A, which will replace the Macaroni Grill on Eager Road after it is torn down, is moving through planning and zoning, and could get to the board of aldermen in December or January. Macaroni Grill could close in January, with Chick-fil-A opening in the summer.
- After five years, the board of aldermen voted to approve financing for Recreation Center renovations. The goal is to close the rink from April 1 through August for a majority of the work.
- Police and fire chiefs have met with business owners about their concerns about the Ferguson grand jury announcement.
- There’s a debate among board of aldermen members whether to use excess funds to hire more staff or to pay the current staff more. Minimizing or freezing the pay of current city staff is “sad,” Kelly said.
- Litzsinger Road will be narrower after work on it is finished. A new sidewalk will be installed along the Brentwood (north) side. Pedestrian lighting will be added.
- Fort Taco (which opened Friday) plans to move into doing deliveries as a majority of its business.
- Owners of the 3-story storage facility now being built in Rock Hill, originally wanted to build it in Brentwood at the old Brentwood Lanes location. Kelly said he wouldn’t allow it, and it didn’t pass board of adjustment, because it was too big—it would have required three variances.
- Someone is considering moving into the old bowing alley location, possibly in early 2015.
- Lawn Care Equipment Co. will be moving part of its business into a second building nearby, though Kelly called further investment in the business, which is on a flood plain, a “square peg in a round hole.”
- Kelly would still like to make the Tesson Farms location into a farmers market, though he hasn’t had time to research it.
- On Dec. 7 Eagle Bank will be part of an effort to give out Christmas trees to veterans.
Brentwood Mayor Pat Kelly talks to residents on Friday at City Hall.
Did he make that decision unilaterally.?. Sounds like it to me….. Although it is a good decision. Plus we already have a storage facility in bwOOd….and you cannot see it from Manchester Road. Nice facility too.
I’ve never heard of “excess funds”. Sounds like a person with a hole in their pocket. What about a “rainy day” emergency fund?
I still wish it was a bowling alley. Many fun times there.
Just because we have excess funds, are we forced to spend it? I wholeheartedly agree with the decision regarding the storage facility.
And, I haven’t heard anything about a surplus of money being kept as an EMERGENCY FUND that the city can use in case there a real emergency. Some municipalities had reserves of 6 months or more to use in case city income was slowed ou there was an emergency.
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. We DON’T need an eye-sore storage unit on the north side of Brentwood Blvd!
Love the farmer’s market idea. Glad he declined the storage facility. I would hope whatever moves into the old bowling alley keeps the building.
Mayor Kelly made a good call on this.