Dozens of animal welfare groups have banned together with Purina to promote pet adoption in the St. Louis region.
In a national study on pet acquisition, Purina found that only 27 percent of household pets came from shelters. The reason? Many people hold misconceptions about the health, age, and behavior of shelter animals. The “Meet the Real Me” aims to counter those perceptions by showcasing the beauty and personality of shelter pets.

The campaign features the photography of Nanette Martin of Shelter Me Photography, an organization dedicated to showing shelter pets in a positive light. The APA worked with Nanette on its own photo room to transform the way we took pictures of our adoptable pets. You can see a video of the project and its amazing outcomes at
Between now and mid-December, Purina, the APA, and other animal groups ask our community members to advocate for the adoption of our four-legged friends by taking part in campaign using the hashtag #ConsiderAShelterPet. Here’s how to get involved:

1. Choose an adoptable pet from the APA or your favorite humane organization.
2. Post his or her picture on your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram page.
3. Tag the post with #ConsiderAShelterPet and ask your friends to help spread the word, too.
Thank you for helping us change perceptions of homeless pets!