Menard Inc. violating federal labor law: complaint filed in December


Staff at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has concluded that Menard Inc. is violating federal labor law, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

The NLRB found that Menards withheld merit pay raises for workers engaged in protected activities, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. For example, one Menards policy requires non-managerial workers to sign agreements that prohibit them from participating in class action suits.

The Office and Professional Employees International Union filed a complaint with the NLRB in December 2015.

Since then Menards ceased automatically cutting a manager’s income by 60 percent if a union wins an election at their operation.

Menards also must pull language that bars merit raises for employees based on their  involvement in protected union activity, the NLRB summary said.

Read the full post in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.


      • Thanks. It seems like his wealth is making him feel insulated against the consequences of his business and social practices. I hope the business goes into protective receivership, takes this man’s authority away, and freezes his assets until the litigation is finished. People would not lose their jobs, and the people who work will not be penalized.


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