MRH hires ECC assistant principal


The Maplewood Richmond Heights School District announced last week that Darion Murdock has been hired as the new assistant principal and federal programs coordinator at Early Childhood Center.

IMG_8786He has been the lead teacher at Cool Valley Elementary School in the Ferguson Florissant School District since August 2010, where he assisted the principal. He was the lead teacher at Confluence Academy Old North for the six years before that.

Murdock holds a B.S. in elementary education from Harris Stowe State University and an M.A. in school administration from Lindenwood University.

According to the school district, the new assistant principal position was created to address the growth at the ECC. Enrollment there is presently more than 400 students – an increase of nearly 110 percent in since 2005.

Murdock will begin his duties July 1, 2016.

Read the full post from MRH.


  1. It seems as if some people will get angry about any money spent by the district whether it’s the best decision for the students or not. It would be nice if the amazing and continuing accomplishments of this district, illustrated by the incredible influx of new families wanting to be a part of our community, would lead people to put a little more trust in the administration.

  2. Congratulations to Mr. Murdock and welcome to MRH. The ECC definitely needs an assistant principal, especially with the new building on the way.

    And about the football team: There was not only a lack of student interest, but Karen Hall, to her great credit, shut down the north county pipeline of kids who played ball for MRH with tenuous residential status in the district. (Maplewood is not unique. That sort of things goes on all over the St. Louis area).

    I hope football returns one day. If Brentwood can field a team, why not us?

  3. Once again some people are mixing apples and oranges. Re: the football team, if you read the comments from Roger G, you realize there were not enough people to go out and field a football team. Some of those kids who may have played football went to other sports like soccer (it has grown tremendously in numbers). I do not know the salary; I would hope it is competitive with other schools, as the demands of a growing student population warrants it. I have subbed there many times, and the huge increase in students (coupled with the incoming 2nd graders in 2017) compels the district to hire an assistant principal who can work in tandem with the principal, teachers and support staff to achieve the objectives of early childhood education. Furthermore an administrative position was eliminated elsewhere and financially makes the addition of Mr. Murdock feasible. I totally applaud Dr. Hebenstreit, current principal of ECC for the last 14 years or so for facilitating the changes there that make it such an incredible learning institution, one very appreciated by the parents and the community.


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