MRH Middle School students pitch in


Maplewood Richmond Heights middle schoolers spent Wednesday in service to the community: helping neighbors in Richmond Heights, gardening at the Schlafly community garden, cleaning up at Deer Creek Park, and washing Maplewood police cars.

Middle school assistant principal, John McCabe said it was their first attempt at a school-wide day of service, and next year they want to do two large scale service days. Principal Mike Dittrich said serving the community builds on the ‘citizenship’ and ‘stewardship’ cornerstones that MRH works to instill in the students.


  1. What a great idea. I know my daughter really enjoyed participating. I’m so happy that there are plans for more days like this. The time was truly well spent.

  2. Thank you for being so complimentary of the students Eileen. It is great to hear about volunteerism among our youth.

  3. This morning, about half a dozen of the most wonderful MRH Middle school put a major dent in my yard work! They mowed, trimmed trees, pulled up dead monkey grass, swept, planted, etc. & turned a mountain into a manageable mole hill. There aren’t enough words to express my gratitude & how Richmond Heights does us proud.

    Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
    Mother Theresa


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