MRH: schedules could change following grand jury decision


Maplewood Richmond Heights School District said in a statement on its website Tuesday that every effort will be made to keep school in session following the Michael Brown grand jury decision.

The district states it’s ready to take any action to ensure the safety of students and staff, both at school and on the way home from school. Schedules for the entire district may change if necessary.

See the full statement from MRH.


  1. I hope people REMEMBER that the Ferguson residents have been highly responsible in civil protests. The animal who riot, steal and damage everything they can, are not from Ferguson. The animals who ruin whatever they can, come from around the country specifically to incite discord. The animals need to be treated like animals, and the civil protesters treated with every respect.

    • Anger/frustration is understandable, but degrading people by dehumanizing them is never part of the long term solution. All people need to be treated with respect, even if they are breaking the law or acting in a way that is not helpful to promoting positive change. Hate begets hate.


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