MSD plans to chip not blast trench on part of Russell


MSD informed the city of Brentwood that contractor J.H. Berra plans to tunnell from Russell Avenue at Brentwood Boulevard to the Norm West Park area. Once that portion of the tunnel is complete, they will turn the bore machine around and bore from Russell Avenue at Brentwood Boulevard to Collier Avenue, according to the city.

The work is part of MSD’s Project Clear. MSD had originally planned to blast the trench the length of Russell.

From that point the contractor will open cut the trench by chipping the rock if their equipment can handle it, which is is the most cost effective method. If not they will blast to break up the rock.

Basilico Engineering has sent letters to property owners in the area, notifying them of the pre-construction inspections. Twenty letters have been sent and six residents have responded.

A representative from MSD reminded residents at the Ward 3 meeting on April 26 that the contractor will be chipping instead of blasting at this point, and that basement foundations of homes within 1,000 feet of the project will be inspected.



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