New Great Clips approved at Brentwood Promenade

The new Great Clips is slated to move into the northeast corner of Brentwood Promenade behind Carter's.
The new Great Clips is slated to move into the northeast corner of Brentwood Promenade behind Carter's.
The new Great Clips is slated to move into the northeast corner of Brentwood Promenade behind Carter's.

The Brentwood Board of Aldermen voted unanimously—with Ward 3 Alderman Andy Leahy and Ward 2 Alderwoman Cindy Manestar absent—to approve a new business at Brentwood Promenade.

Great Clips will take a space at the northeast corner of the Promenade, behind Carter’s. Nothing will be added to the current footprint of the building.

Heather Carter, a manager at Carter’s (no relation) said on Wednesday that she wasn’t aware of the move. She said there is a storage room behind Carter’s, which is where the Great Clips could go. She also said there are no windows, just a door in the back.

In a discussion about parking, Mayor Pat Kelly said there are 1,361 total spaces, which won’t change with this addition. Ward 1 alderwoman Maureen Saunders said it appears that employees are parking by the stores, rather than in designated employee parking areas, which makes it more crowded for customers.

Saunders suggested putting off the vote until the full board is present, but Kelly said that would be at the cost of losing the business. She reminded him that she voted “no” for the Promenade expansion that includes Carter’s. Saunders voted “yes” for the Great Clips after confirming with Director of Planning and Development Justin Wyse that the planning and zoning commission was unanimous in its approval.


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