New look for Shop ‘n Save in the works


The Maplewood Shop ‘n Save has changes on the way — “wall to wall” — according to an employee on Tuesday.

Employees there said the pharmacy is being moved to the north side of the building, with a drive-thru added. Other walls will go up and down, with changes in groceries displays.

The changes at Shop ‘n Save began on Tuesday.


  1. I hope you don’t have to walk all the way to the back of the store. We picked Shop N Save because the pharmacy was up front and we didn’t have to walk far.

  2. I frequent this Shop n Save regularly and have never been approached by anyone, inside or out, for a handout. Unfortunately, you have to deal with that at some level at almost every store there is. Each time this happens, you should contact the store manager, and be prepared to give an accurate description and detail of the encounter. It is impossible to patrol each aisle of the store, each area of the parking lot at any given time. I changed to Shop n Save pharmacy from another chain because the prices were better , and they have ALWAYS gone the extra mile. During the summer, they regularly offer a complimentary bottle of water for your convenience, which is great for those folks who need to take medication right away. Expanding/enlarging/remodeling, improving a store should be considered an improvement for all the community, and shows customers that they are constantly trying to meet their needs and accommodate them as much as possible. As a former manager of another chain, I can tell you the most effective and efficient way to take care of any problems or inconveniences is to address them personally with store management at the time of the problem. As for me, people that I feel are genuinely pan handling, I just smile and say “Sorry, I can’t help you.” There are too many other positive things happening everyday in our community to let that upset me on a regular basis. I try to not let these things be any more than an aggravation to me. And then I thank God for all my blessings and ask Him for wisdom to be able to discern when people really are in need.

  3. I like Shop n Save and I love their pharmacy. We have always gotten great service from the pharmacists there. Let’s try to look for some positive in our neighborhood.

  4. Why is everyone so easily freaked? I say, ” I will give you a high five, I will give you a compliment, I will give the the answer on a test at school. Hell, I’ll even give you a hug but NOT MY MONEY!” And I get louder with each sentence. Just like kids. Just say NO.

  5. Do not put up with it. call the police every time, use the regular non emergency number. I always report people who hit me up for change.

    • Why would you call the police on them? I try to help them out whenever I can after all we are all just one layoff away from poverty. Help a fellow man out if you are able. The other day a guy asked me for 50 cents for a soda. I gave him the dollar I had on me. He asked if I knew anybody looking for work. He said “preferably flooring cuz I’m too old to climb ladders.” I hear ya brother.

      • I’ve never been approached for a handout, I suppose at my age and general appearance ( cane etc) I don’t look like a likely donor . How I would respond would depend on how I felt led at that moment.

  6. How about we get rid of the Shop n Save entirely? Can’t even go there without being accosted for change these days. Some dude asked me for money IN THE BEER AISLE for god’s sake.

    • I get the same problem in the parking lot AND in the store. Though at least the last guy that panhandled me inside the Shop N Save had the decency to do it in the produce/bread area.

    • Agree. This place attracts the wrong element for some reason. I’ve seen junkies shooting up in the parking lot, panhandlers a plenty, altercations/fights, and drug deals going down. The MWP needs to step up their presence there….

      • My husband and I have lived in Maplewood for 12 years and have shopped at Shop N Save at all hours. Neither of us have ever been approached by a panhandler there, nor seen people shooting up. This is just like the baseless complaints against the laundromat and ALDI. These are places needed by working class people on a regular basis, so you make up these stories about them. I HAVE genuinely been bothered more than once down the street at the liquor store, but haven’t heard one complaint from you people about that business.

        • Yeah I hear you on that. Shooting up in the parking lot. That’s a stretch. I’m not buying it either. I have defiantly been approached by some people there asking for help. No big deal at all. Some of them will will even tell you their story if you ask. If that makes people feel uncomfortable then maybe they should just go ahead and move to St Charles like they talk about. Honestly that Shop N Save is tame compared to what it was like 15 or so years ago.

          • I have lived in Maplewood for 38 years of my life and I have only been approached by a panhandler once or twice at Shop n Save or Aldi. I have never seen anyone shooting up.


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