Everything is good: owner of last house standing


The owner of the only house not to be demolished for a Menards in a 17-acre Richmond Heights neighborhood still lives there, and says he’s staying.

“I like being in Richmond Heights. It’s centrally located — access to everything, so everything is good. Everything is the same,” the owner of 1705 Berkley Avenue, Jelani Aitch said Friday.

He won a court decision to keep the house in July 2014. Since them Menards retaining walls and fences rose up around him. He said after the initial noise and dirt from construction, he doesn’t mind.

See also: Demolition for new Menards begins, Boys Hope Girls Hope, Richmond Heights Public Works under construction

“They’re going to beautiful the place,” Aitch said. “Nice landscaping around our house, clean out our back yard — so once they do that, yeah, I’ll be great with it. Doesn’t bother me. I got to keep it. Everything is good. We’re here to stay.”

1705 Berkley Avenue
The house in June 2014.
The house in June 2014



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