Owner removes tree at Sutton and Flora


The owner of the lot at Sutton Boulevard and Flora Avenue in Maplewood confirmed Thursday that she had the tree on the corner removed recently. It was the only thing remaining after the 2012 fire that consumed the house, which was built in 1904.

The owner, Lucy Williams, is an architect whose office is in St. Louis. She didn’t say if removing the tree had anything to do with her plans for the lot.

A commenter on Facebook said that the tree resembles an ash tree. If so, it may have become a host to the E.A.B. (emerald ash borer), which would explain why it was removed.

The tree in August 2017, on Google Maps


The tree (on left) during the fire in January 2012 that destroyed the house on the corner, via Patch, Doug Miner photo


    • I can only hope that the house that gets put there is something that is going to fit into the neighborhood. That street has a lot of nice looking homes built in the older style with things like dormers or turrets and nice porches. I can only hope something like that comes back and if something else is presented to whichever board has power to approve or disapprove the plans they do the right thing and we do not get something that does not fit the area.

  1. Tom. I am a scrounger, just cannot help myself. As the house was being torn down after the fire I went thru some of the debris and did find a baseball or two, maybe a part of a bat or some other things. Everything was so damaged I do not even remember if I kept it or not.

    I know that we salvaged a few old growth beams out of the place and the front porch railings were purchased by a customer of mine and reused on her small bungalow . I do not know what else might have been salvaged but know some other folks were looking thru the house at the same time I was. but since it have been remade into a dental practice and then had the fire I do not recall how much was able to be salvaged. I probably should have taken photos of the inside but did not.

  2. The house was home to a long time dental practice and contained a wonderful and very extensive collection of baseball memorabilia.


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