Package liquor store could replace gas station


The owner of the former Conoco gas station, at 3600 Big Bend Boulevard, will ask Maplewood city officials at their meeting on Tuesday to use the building as a package liquor store. The awning and pumps were removed recently.

Gaurang Bhavsar will request a packaged liquor license and Sunday packaged liquor license for the store, according to the meeting agenda.

Maplewood city staff recommends approval the the store.

Also at the meeting:

The Conoco gas station at 3600 Big Bend could become a packaged liquor store. The pumps and awning have been removed.



  1. Some quality businesses have been rejected by the city. Package Liquor generally appear to draw “seedy” characters. Whether that’s right or not the appearance is there. I’m a graduate of MRH and have lived here since the mid 50’s and have seen the swing in the reputation of our city. We are on the up swing and shouldn’t ourselves to be over confident in the type of business allow to operate in our city Once we allow questionable appearing businesses to operate we can easily go down hill. Caution on the side of quality might be wise.

  2. With the bar next door, a pool hall a few steps away, and a huge low income apartment complex all nearby this is a natural fit. It is also away from the main drag on Manchester that is under going gentrification – different target market. Could also add a vapor store and tattoo parlor in the soon to be vacant laundry mat.

  3. Building a McDonald’s in that location would be better for Maplewood and the neighborhood than a liquor store. Even a gun shop would be better for the neighborhood than a liquor store! Is Maplewood really wanting to go down that path?

  4. If Craft Beer Cellar can’t get a license than why should a shady gas station. I never saw anyone buying gas. Also isn’t there a new daycare within eye sight of that property.

  5. There is a Total Wine & Liquor store in Brentwood. Why does that liquor store have a different clientele? Or does it?

  6. If Craft Beer Seller can’t get in why should a shady gas station get a package license. Isn’t there a new daycare within eyesight of that place too?

  7. Would not at all be thrilled with a package liquor store there. I didn’t fill up there for the last several years it was operating as a gas station-when I did I would usually have to go inside to get a receipt, and too often I saw yellow bags on the pumps. The staff inside was friendly enough, but it did not have the hallmarks of a well-run establishment.

    I have some empathy for the owner here-Quiktrip and Energy Express are gleaming and nice by comparison, tough competition. And that lot, given the relatively small size and the industrial businesses behind it, isn’t likely to appeal to someone wanting to buy/rent it and open a cute local business that neighbors would like. But I hope he runs his new venture better than what it’s replacing.

    I also hope that the city does set appropriate limits within its authority. The other liquor store in town is open 9am-11pm M-Sa, 10-10 Sunday. At the very least, I wouldn’t want the new one to be open longer than that.

  8. That conoco was a disgrace to our neighborhood. They openly sold head shop stuff and “glass roses” or as the rest of the world knows them … crack pipes. I would rather they not be a part of our community at all.

    • Nothing in essence. But, there already is a package liquor store in Maplewood, plus a grocery store and two specialty stores that sell liquor and several restaurants and bars that serve. The business that was there was not a place I wanted to frequent because it appeared to be a little iffy, for lack of a better definition. Do we need another package booze store with late hours to serve those who haven’t gotten enough to drink for the night? Makes for an increase in driving while intoxicated on our streets.

  9. Was in that Conoco, really trashy, lots of one hitter glitter. Lots of Head shop stuff.. and sold lots of lottery tickets.. tear the whole thing down..

  10. Let’s hope the new mayor and the rest of the council consider whether a liquor store is a business that will attract the kind of customer this family-oriented neighborhood really wants.

  11. I also hope they do not approve a liquor store. There is already a bar on one of those corners.
    We need some family friendly businesses. This definitely will not help the neighborhood.

  12. I sure hope that the council uses stronger scrutiny to this request than they did to the relatively upscale Craft Beer Cellar that never opened on Manchester…… granted this is not the SBD of Maplewood, but we cant get anything better in that location than a package liquor store? That property is an eyesore, would rather have nothing there than a liquor store.


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