Papered windows a test


David Schlafly, owner of 7401 Manchester Road, has said the paper on the windows above the front door on Tuesday was a test.

Window at 7401 Manchester Road reflecting the opposite traffic light.

Drivers have noticed that the windows reflect the opposite traffic light approaching the intersection on Sutton Boulevard from the south, in the left turn lane, resulting in seeing both lights simultaneously — red and green, or visa versa.

Schlafly said the Maplewood building department is either installing a louver on the light on Manchester, or relocating it. He said they were assisting in the city’s tests.

7401 Manchester Road was once Katz Drugstore, and more recently the Monarch restaurant. The Blue Duck opened there early this year, with three new businesses planning to open in September.

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  1. I’m somewhat confused. The city of Maplewood is going to spend money moving the light? versus the owner of the building fixing/changing his windows? This seems like a first. Does the city accommodate all business owners this way?

    • Because the city approved the plans and permits for the renovation putting the onus on them for finding the stoplight issue.


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