Patch future uncertain in STL, 40 South News to cover Brentwood and Maplewood


Friends, as of Oct. 15, 2013 I will be the former editor of Maplewood-Brentwood Patch.

I was editor of Maplewood-Brentwood Patch for about a year and a half. On Oct. 15 America Online (AOL), the owner of, cut approximately one third of its 1,200 editors nationwide. Every one of the 12 remaining editors in the St. Louis area were included in that cut.

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As of this writing, AOL hasn’t announced the fate of the 24 St. Louis Patch sites after Oct. 15, when no local editors remain. One option is that the sites will go black.

Now for the future:

I hope 40 South News will become your new source for what’s happening in Brentwood and Maplewood.

I plan on making 40 South News my full time occupation. I’ll do my best to cover Brentwood, Maplewood and surrounding communities as is appropriate and time allows. I hope to cover business, sports, schools, government, breaking news and whatever else comes along, at least as well as Patch was able to. Of course, comments are encouraged.





  1. Doug, you WERE the tie that binds when you were in charge. Since AOL’s greed has removed our communitiy connections from the local level, I not only boycott them and corp. entities, but hope they go belly up wallowing in their greed. I would like to see a return to the broad information (esp City Hall) in Brentwood back up and running. People NEED to talk to each other, and anything i can do to support this count me in. Best regards, maureen

  2. Thanks for the good wishes, everyone! So far (day 1) things are looking good. Be sure and get in touch with any ideas or concerns. Doug

  3. Doug…happy a good man like you landed on his feet after the news from AOL. Wish you all the best. I would like to continue receiving the news from you so please add me to your daily eMail list there at 40 South News.

    Good luck and see you around town~!!~

  4. Doug, to the residents of Maplewood and Brentwood YOU were the patch. Good luck in your new venture! I hope that it will be profitable for you. Can I get stories from 40 South automatically or do I need to go to your web address each day?

  5. Sorry to hear of Patch losing you, but will continue to get my news of what’s going on your 40 South News page. Good luck to you.


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