In a press release dated September 21, Brentwood Ward 4 Alderman Patrick Toohey has announced his candidacy for mayor of Brentwood. Toohey was elected alderman in 2012, defeating Gary Bierman and incumbent, Lorraine Krewson.
Patrick Toohey CPA, and Ward IV alderman today announced his candidacy for the office of Mayor for the City of Brentwood, MO.
Though Election Day is several months away, Toohey explained his desire to rebuild a strong alliance with the residents of Brentwood. He wants to bring back a city with a levelheaded vision. “The unfortunate rancorous behavior in aldermanic meetings over the last three years has harmed our city’s reputation and has rendered the city to be hapless. It handcuffed our leadership and concerns our citizens. “There has been far too much finger pointing and far too much shouting and anger. We must restore our pride,” noted Toohey.
Toohey, 38 next month, is no youngster. “I have lived in Brentwood for fifteen years. It has always been a first tier community and I am committed to seeing it remain as such for the next 40 years that I live here,” said Toohey. “I want to be part of the transformation Brentwood deserves. I became involved because I believed my professional accounting background would help.”
Brentwood is the envy of many surrounding communities. We have great residential neighborhoods, an exceptionally strong retail district, low property taxes, and a highly acclaimed school district. The many free services we provide our residents allow Brentwood to be a special place.
We owe that tradition to a time when elected officials, city staff, local businesses and residents all worked together for the betterment of our city. The priority of these groups was to make the city a better place, all the while not worrying about which individual received credit for the City’s progress. “The bitter behavior during these past several years has not helped our city. I too have been sucked into this acrimonious behavior but at the counsel of Alderman Wynn arrived at the conclusion that we must return the positive momentum,” exclaimed Toohey.
“No one person has the ability to sustain this great community legacy on their own. For Brentwood to remain a first tier community we are going to need a fresh start working together again to establish a vision for the city’s future,” noted Toohey. “As mayor, I hope to bring these groups together again with civility to ensure that the City’s best days are still ahead. “
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” ~ Harry S. Truman

Today I met with Ald. Toohey for the first time. Until now, I saw him as ‘Pat Kelly II’–which meant non-transparency, insensitive to resident’s issues, and the over commercialization of B’wd at the expense of residents. I previously believed Kelly and Toohey were in lockstep with an agenda that did not include listening to the people. I retract my statement about Ald. Toohey, leaving Mayor Kelly as the sole-NON-LISTENER re citizen’s opinions. People pay a lot of money to live in B’wd. But my opinion is that Toohey is a negotiator–not a dictator, and value a cohesive residential B’wd. From what I have seen, B’wd has been torn apart by having a mayoral agenda jammed down their throats. I am thoroughly annoyed that P&Z ordinances can be so cavalierly waived—to suit that agenda, and the residents know NOTHING until the last minute. Ald. Toohey was approachable, and when we were done, I believed I had been heard. I am tired of the “good ole boy network” that has made our City Administration look as dysfunctional as it really is. I am sick of the infighting among BOA members, the digging in of heels by Mayor Kelly and I WANT SOMEONE WHO LISTENS. I do not need to have my-way or the hi-way, which is what we have now, nor the animosity among BOA who fail to remain open minded to what the residents want. The old saying, “The fish rots from the head down” is applicable here. Mayor Kelly said he “doesn’t know” if he is going to run again for his position. I for one hope he does not. This is not personal, but the disgrace of our Administration is an organizational nightmare. I JUST WANT SOMEONE WHO LISTENS TO THE PEOPLE. And that does not mean a ‘foot-stomping’, I have the power and my ‘elected official’ rights are better than your citizen rights–so you will abide with what I decide. I would like to see the P&Z ordinances back on line. I would love to see a central forum for residents to be heard. I watch every taped meeting and the current bi-monthly meeting of the people, the BOA and the Mayor is genuinely NOT CUTTING IT. The divisiveness and animosity of City administration starts at the top and then filters down. PEOPLE PAY A LOT OF MONEY TO LIVE HERE. They deserve to be heard to protect their property values, their living comfort zones, and not have to learn at the VERY last minute that a major change is imminent. I respect B’wd as a traditional residential community with minimal commercialization, better traffic conditions and satisfied residents. So anyone wanting to run for mayor NEEDS TO LISTEN. The current administration has not done that. This mayoral election in April will determine the climate of the relationship between Administration and Residents. It is very off balance at this point. WE NEED A MAYOR WHO LISTENS TO THE PEOPLE and I don’t really care who it is—as long as the elected officials listen and respond to residents’ issues. That is not happening now, nor for a long time. We are a community of neighbors who really care—and it’s time to reclaim that. SOMEBODY PLEASE LISTEN.
Ms. Wheat-I took with interest your comments regarding meeting with Ald. Toohey. Seems it was a good exchange. I was Chairman of P&Z for over 20 years, through all the major redevelopment and every Comprehensive Plan process, concluding my public service after the Drury Hotel and BHGH. I would make you the same offer as Ald. Toohey. I invite you to contact me as I would welcome the opportunity to communicate regarding Brentwood issues. E-mail me at john.geppert@gmail.com
Alderman Toohey, I’m glad this wasn’t dropped. If you are going for transparency, what about the Kelly administration’s chronic, casual waiving of City ordinances? Two examples come to mind: the noise ordinance repeated broken by that kennel off Hanley we regularly hear about from residents at BOA meetings, and the waiving of the single family dwelling ordinance when BHGH bitterly divided the community? If you really want transparency, then an audit of how many times this administration has waived P&Z ordinances to the detriment of the residents most affected. Like I said before the only dog I have in this race is what is best for Brentwood. Giving the City back to the residents goes to the center of transparency.
Ok, Ald. Toohey, I finally believe that you were not induced or incentivized by Pat Kelly to run for alderman. So what about the resistance to a complete audit of City Hall? You are a CPA–I should think this is one of the first things that needs to be done–but NOTHING has been done. Transparency is what Brentwood residents are wanting–and this would be a corner stone of constructing a transparent administration. Not to put you on the spot, but to much subterfuge has muddled the confidence in the administration.
line 5 should read “too much…”
Alderman Toohey wrote: “But I do wish you would post your real name, its harder for elected officials the public to trust the intent of the comments of those that cannot post their true names behind their questions.”
I was with you until this comment, which implies that your responses change based on who you’re talking to. The truth should be constant regardless of the audience. Giving one answer to a group of people and a different answer to another group of people is status quo for a politician, but I was hoping that having new choices for mayor might finally bring transparency to city government.
Given all the dysfunction during the last five years (and the retribution that followed: http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2013/12/brentwood_saunders_jamboretz_election.php), it should be perfectly understandable why someone would not attribute their real name to comments critical of someone running for office. But again, the truth is the truth and your answers should be the same regardless of who you’re talking to. I’ll keep an open mind, but this is concerning.
I understand your position about avoiding the repercussions of identifying one’s self honestly. But I have to agree with Ald. Toohey here. There are people who have nothing of note to add, and just like to fuel whatever contentious issue is raised. How can any official’s governance be transparent when individual’s intents and positions cannot be validated? There are posters here that have nothing to do with what is in Brentwood’s best interest. They just like to “stir the pot”. Given the good quality of your post, you should be comfortable in identifying yourself. That being said, people will continue to use pen names and avoid responsibility.
Hello…..anyone home.
The trademark of the Brentwood politicians for life, has long been anonymous hate mail, sneaky telephone polls and dirty tricks. So whats the difference if me or anyone else wants to remain on the DL with their assessment of local government? Can you blame them?
Oh sure you can show up at a meeting and whine once in a while but whenever there’s been an actual threat to the goals and vision of the mayor and his posse, whenever a candidate files and gets some footing, all hell breaks loose behind the scenes and the B.S. begins. Jamboretz ring a bell?
In other parts of the world they slice off your head for free thinking and speaking your mind. In Brentwood Its been proven time and time again that if you have a difference of opinion with city hall and you take the time to try and do something about it eventually you’re gonna regret getting involved. So some like me get involved by making an opinion known without standing in the line to be ridiculed and punished, harassed and threatened.
Do I hear self justification here “MR. COMPLETELY”?
What about something constructive, that you would not be ashamed to sign off as your closing? love maureen
I don’t love you Maureen, sorry.
Awe, don’t be sorry. Just don’t be so stupid. Stick to the issues, and in this case it is about Ald. Toohey. Today, didn’t note the time, but he made an outstanding point about responsible posting using real names–where as you are historically a one man “Punch and Judy” show of nonsense. That was his point, and I still tend to agree with him. You are living proof that what he says has merit. So now HE has my attention–while you still choke on your own dust. I would be interested in what he has to say…you–not so much. love, maureen
Ald. Toohey and Maureen, there are legitimate reasons for people wanting to remain nameless in their posting. TG makes a good point about pitching different messages depending on a given target audience. This would be considered necessary information to the residents. Then Mr. Completely makes thoughtless comments that make all coded names look weak in positioning statements. It is just a matter of the credibility of the posters over time, no matter what name they use.
I understand some people want to remain nameless but that also allows people (other candidates) to spread rumor and hearsay without being held accountable. In the history of Brentwood politics, when information is sent out by nameless figures, that information is usually full of negative slander. However when people put their names behind their comments, then their is more factual content in the message.
Since people are already spreading rumor and hearsay about me I have challenge for those individuals. If anybody can ever produce factual information that Mayor Kelly urged me to run for Alderman in 2012, I will resign as Alderman that day. I will then donate every penny I have been paid by the city to that person’s favorite charity. I never met Pat Kelly until after I was elected.
The only elected official that ever urged me to run was Tom Kramer. The only other elected official I had ever spoken with prior to being elected was Maureen Saunders as she needed my authorization to solicit Brentwood Forest with her audit petition. I granted her that authorization and signed the petition myself. She needed my authorization because I was on the Brentwood Forest condo board and Brentwood Forest has strict solicitation rules that had to be waived.
If anyone has questions about by platform or agenda, feel free to email me at Toohey4mayor@gmail.com. I am always welcome the opportunity to meet with people in a group or 1 on 1 for coffee to discuss the future course I think the city needs to take.
Sorry Comrade Wheat, I still refuse to name names.
How interesting that my choice to remain anonymous is so distracting to you and some others and that you seize on it to discredit me. So in your opinion my thoughts or opinions carry less weight than yours based upon this? That says more about you than about me. My opinions are what they are just like yours and they carry no more or no less weight in the discussion than anybody else.
You have not distracted me. I merely do not care about you positions; Apparently deflecting someone else’s post to bring me in, though…hmmmm…interesting.
Maureen and Joshua – I hope that is the end of the personal attacks. Let’s stay on topics that are of interest to a larger audience. Thanks
To Ms. Wheat, according to your Facebook page you are a respectable Catholic woman. What would God think about your comments about Alderman Toohey? Not a Catholic/Christian like attitude I would expect from such a religious woman as your self. Alderman Toohey voted for children who deserved a chance and the city of Brentwood wanted but that a few Aldermen voted against. I guess it is the persons similar to your self who feel empowered to think of themselves before anyone else. Again, what version of the Bible do you read because the version I read states that we take care of those less fortunate than ourselves? Galatians 2:10 “Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do.” As for your comments in regard Alderman Toohey and his “grooming,” is that your main criticism? You seem to take notice of his “grooming.” Again, are you a Christian or just one on Facebook?
Mr. Madden, why would Mayor Kelly have a stranger run for the Ward IV seat against the biggest Kelly supporter in Lorraine Krewson? This was something that was alleged by Alderwoman Saunders, and when asked to prove this commentary, she was unable to. If they were so tight into politics together then why would Alderman Toohey run against Mayor Kelly has not officially announced he won’t be seeking another term? Why would Alderman Toohey challenge Mayor Kelly? Where are your facts, or proof on this subject or do you rely solely on hearsay?
You are making statements that because Alderman Toohey does not vote in alignment with your agenda that he does not listen to the residents. I am curious, do you know the opinion and perspective of all 8,000 residents and does this make you an expert on what the people want? There is so much more behind the curtains that we as the public do not know and understand and we elect these people into office to lead us through the issues that some of us cannot and honestly do not want to understand.
As for Alderman Toohey’s “boorish” comments to Alderman Saunders, as a woman myself, I would not open myself up to criticism in the way that she did. I receive her monthly “email updates” and it is sad how she can attack her fellow Board of Alderman in this email but when called on her remarks cannot stand her ground. She is a driving force of separation on that board and another reason why there needs to be changes within our community starting with our political leadership. In reference to the differences to Alderwoman Saunders and Alderman Toohey, Ms. Wheat take note here as well, Alderman Toohey is present during controversial votes. “Out sick.”
Beth, I can scarcely believe your post referencing my Catholic faith and then Facebook! I am very GRATEFUL to be Catholic. Then you researched facebook? I suspect you are genuinely naïve. The words “unintended consequences” do not mean much to you. But lets just do this, one point at a time.
BHGH was defeated because the PEOPLE did not want a multiple dwelling housing unit in their single family residential neighborhood. It is that simple. Had the Mayor NOT had so many private meetings–and counted on his own influence to PUSH THIS THROUGH–all those residents would have taken a hit on their property values. They had the most to lose, so obviously should have the last say. Thanks to stronger, more resident-responsive alderman, like Saunders, Manestar, Kramer and Lehey, the resident’s concerns won over the “generous, but don’t impact my holdings” vote. Toohey was NOT on the side of the residents. This vote should not have come up , nor should have outside interests be imported to create the appearance of “wide popularity.” Until the site specific residents are heard, don’t count on a ‘choke chain’ to stifle their input. Toohey was part of the ‘choke chain.’
Then when Brentwood EMS dispatchers were outsourced—AGAIN–Toohey voted against the populous. Within a month, ECDC–the glut-filled center for emergencies dispatched a fire message to B.F.D. to the wrong address—-a fire which was actually occurring TWO blocks away from the firehouse. People at the fire station could see the smoke before the BFD could even find the correct location. There was a latent petition to keep EMS dispatchers in Brentwood by Aldermanic Candidate (Ward III) Brandon Jones’ initiated and was VERY well received. But Toohey again, voted lock-step with the Mayor, and we will, over time pay for the error. We know ECDC will not broadcast their chronic failures, as they would look bad. As a NFP, I wonder how much insurance they carry for failure to reimburse home-owners for losses due to ineptitude?
I see Ald. Toohey as ONE MORE STEP CLOSER TO THE MERGER OF CITY AND COUNTY. Do you really want that? Toohey is all too obliging to outside interests, and we are still just a small residential community. With him, we could kiss that good bye.
Finally and personally, I find it to your disgrace to actually look me up on fb to see what you can find. That is so abundantly contemptible that it is hard to have a perspective. If you used your real name, I would not lower myself to look you up. I post in earnest, both here and on fb. As a listener and not a talker, I have many beloved friends who only need ask for me to do for them, and I will do it. You, however went looking for ammunition. Then you used my Catholic faith against me. What does the Gospel say about “throwing pearls among swine?” Brentwood is the pearl of great value. The swines are the outside interests that want to destroy via unintended consequences what people have built up over a lifetime. I do not in any way believe Ald Toohey would protect our greatest assets, who and which are ourselves and what we have done with our lives. He would give it all away and I have a NO CONFIDENCE vote for him.
Come to think of it Beth, for all I know Mayor Kelly and Ald. Toohey may have a gentlemen’s agreement to run in opposition of each other. Better to know the history and record of one candidate than to chance a novice replacement who will keep on ‘keepin’ on.’ Brentwood deserves better–one who listens, and Aldermen who know their constituencies. Aside from Manestar, Saunders, Kramer, and 85% Lehey, we need to visit the reality of low information voters.
Beth, if that is your name, this is truly not personal. re fb, I do not take new people unless we have a percentage of mutually established friends. So even you could not have access to my page—as your request would be declined for lack of substance. best regards, maureen.
Well Maureen once again you have proven yourself to be a raging paranoid, and also just plain nuts. People like you truly scare me. You just throw out your critical comments on everything from ECDC to the city of Brentwood merging with the county without any, and I mean any basis in fact. You seem to have all of the answers, why don’t you run for office, you would fit right in with this group of aldermen. Scary!
Joshua, I do recall you as being intellectually slow, but shy about announcing that without your name..so I forgive your post. The little pieces fit into the big pieces and that is how puzzles are worked. I can’t be too direct with you, as you are too tender–and not being a carnivorous wolf, posting a realistic response would not be in my best interests—nor Brentwood’s. I do recall you just like to fight, and I am not interested in your desires or your opinions. You post as a ‘babe in the woods.’ I would be more likely to salvage you from predators than consume you myself. So you stand where you traditionally stand: boxing your way out of a paper bag. I will bring you fluids, vitamins and electrolytes when you fatigue. I just will not battle with so weak a posturing.
If Maureen did happen to run for office, I might just vote for her. She is obviously capable of the kind of individual, critical thinking that is so rare and so desperately needed these days.
Joshua, seems if anyone ‘rages’ it is you. You don’t like the points others have consistently made about Ald. Toohey’s not listening to the residents, and all you do is bitch. Sorry man, but get a hobby or something. Your tunes are getting old
Wow! I stand by my previous comments, no need to say anything more.
Joshua, you failed to make a contribution in the first place. If you’re not going to support Brentwood, don’t pop off at those of us who do support Brentwood. Ald. Toohey does not support the residential community values of Brentwood citizens, as evinced by his voting record. Or did you recall that was the topic?
Alderman Toohey does not reflect YOUR values which you would like to impose on everyone. This why fanatics like you are scary. Furthermore I suppose that you are making a contribution by posting comments that are base purely on speculation and what you believe to be true or false without basis in fact. Once again I stand by my previous comments, you are nuts (and a fanatic).
Joshua I DO NOT TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY. A waste, you are. Just a wee waste…well perhaps a fanatical tempest in a teapot–but a wee little waste, none the less. This will be my future response to anything you come with–hot air bellowing, crowing and all. “Ken bitty brained laddie?” Doubt it.
Yep, you are nuts
this is colloquial language abroad—so you just, as usual, didn’t know. if I am ‘nuts’ then several countries are as well. I really just do not care what you think.
I agree with David: you need a hobby or whatever will take the edge off your silly self. And to David, don’t bother. I think Josh has man problems and it’s a hormonal imbalance with him. He never makes a point; just goes on and on, like a fairy liting here and there, but no substance. But thanks for your input. maureen
You obviously do care, my previous comments still stand, you are nuts.
So challenging your frail masculinity got you, eh? For the record, I am the last one standing. You are not. If you even made a BAD constructive point I would applaud the effort. But you just keep putting that bag over your head and trying to box your way out. You Joshua have a real issue, not to be brought up here. Best regards. m.
Pat Kelly would have been happy had Lorraine Krewson been reelected in Ward 4. But he, like others in Brentwood, was aware of her failing health and, being a keen political strategist, decided to play it safe and add a trusted “stranger” like Pat Toohey to the race, who could defeat Gary Bierman if need be. Toohey is loyal to Kelly, to be sure, but he’s also young and ambitious and knows that Kelly is tired and no longer enjoying the mayor’s job after 13 years. So Toohey’s decision to run for mayor should come as no surprise. And because very little happens in Brentwood politics without the blessing of Kelly, Toohey’s entry into the mayor’s race tells me that Kelly will not be seeking another term. But if anyone has earned the right to run for mayor in Ward 4, it is veteran Tom Kramer, not rookie Toohey. As for that contentious Brentwood Forest residents’ forum a while back, I wish people who attended that event would post their first-hand accounts of what happened there. And that includes Aldermen Toohey and Saunders.
Ald. Kramer is a good pick. He listens. Thanks for a good post.
NO. NO. and NO. Darned, I HOPE not. Can’t we get Ald. Kramer to run? Or Bola Akande? Both would be good.
Ald. Toohey, per history, will be another “self-important”, “my way or the hi way” autocrat.He voted “lock step” AGAINST the residents on issue after issue I have watched every BOA meeting, and was astounded at the ‘cat-like’ purring and grooming Ald. Toohey does almost continuously. Slumped down in his seat, pawing his hair, once even getting up before adjournment, I have a ‘no-confidence’ vote that he will do things “by the people”. Can we not GET a mayor who values the residents?? If Ald. Toohey is the only candidate, we will be the same hollowed out Brentwood with a cheap new coat of paint. Get someone who actually LISTENS TO THE PEOPLE—I don’t see Ald. Toohey as more than a re-packaged Mayor Kelly. And if it came down to the Toohey and Kelly, I’d vote for Kelly again. At least he is not personally ‘full of himself.’
Perhaps it’s unfair to automatically assume “guilt by association,” but Brentwood desperately needs to move forward, beyond the long and scandalous Kelly Era, and I fear that’s not likely to happen if Pat Toohey succeeds Pat Kelly as mayor. Keep in mind that in 2012, Kelly asked Toohey to enter the Ward 4 aldermanic race because Kelly feared that otherwise, Gary Bierman would unseat incumbent Lorraine Krewson and win that seat. Toohey was Kelly’s horse in the Ward 4 race that year, and has since voted in lockstep with Kelly most of the time in city meetings. Perhaps I’m being unfair to Pat Toohey, but with Brentwood’s operations and reputation so compromised in recent years, I feel we cannot risk trusting the mayor’s office to a pal of Pat Kelly. I’m also aware of a Brentwood Forest residents’ forum a year or so ago in which Ald. Toohey publicly dissed Ald. Saunders so badly that women in the audience verbally reprimanded him for his boorish behavior. Finally, it would appear Mr. Toohey is quite ambitious, running for mayor when he hasn’t even completed a single term as alderman. When Ed Wright, Art Oppenheim, Jim Shelton, and many others ran for mayor in the past, they did so as seasoned, experienced officeholders who had served our city as aldermen for a number of years. And, to the best of my knowledge, none of them hired campaign planes to fly over city festivals.
So Its gonna be Kelly, Toohey and Completely in 15, what a laugh riot! Wonder how much Jamboretz will charge this time for his trademark hate mail and genius campaign planning? You know, marbles and jam, so on. Ha, bring it !
The reason for the shouting and anger was caused by our elected officials not doing their jobs. It had nothing to do with the citizens. The anger was only compounded by a Mayor and Alderman who to this day still don’t want to tell the whole truth.
To imply in your first quote that the people of Brentwood were in anyway a reason for this behavior is unjustified given how poorly our city was run. The State audit as quoted by the State Auditor was one of the worst he had ever seen. The best thing that happened was handcuffing our elected officials. Had they not been handcuffed, one can only guess how badly our finances would look today.
One of the many problems with our city is that the city employees are overpaid, and have become the head of the city’s organizational chart instead of the citizens. Sooner or later someone is going to have to have the guts to pull back the pay and benefits of city employees to reflect what the common resident of Brentwood receives in the real world.
For the people who work for Brentwood to have a substantial financial advantage over us working class folks is just flat out wrong. To watch raises year after year when many of my friends including myself have not seen private sector raises in years is hard to take, especially when the service provided when one calls city hall is so poor.
How we turn this city around is going to be interesting to watch. What once was a proud city has become a sad shell of itself and there is plenty of blame to go around for the many elected officials, appointed officials and city employees.
And shame on all of us citizens for taking our eyes off the ball and allowing this to happen. We sadly must carry part of the blame.
Is Patrick Toohey the right person? If his past behavior is what we are to judge him by, the answer is no. If Patrick Toohey has decided to remake himself in order to accomplish what he has stated above, then let’s hear the rest of the campaign promises and make a decision in the voter’s booth.
The comments are about the behavior of the elected officials, not the residents.
Jenny, you hit the nail on the head. The last thing Brentwood needs is a ‘make-over’ by Ald. Toohey to look like he has never looked before: interested and listening. Brentwood has badly fallen and I do not see him fixing anything, per history of his BOA service.
It is interesting to read the comments, especially about getting the citizens involved. It was not that long ago that Alderman Toohey scolded another Alderman for informing the citizens of a low reserve fund balance. At the time Alderman Toohey’s opinion was that the citizens should not have been told the truth.
While only my opinion, I thought with the accounting background, Alderman Toohey would have demanded more clarity in all the things that came to light in the State Audit. What we got was an Alderman who was in lock step with the Mayor and again had no interest in shining a light on information many citizens were interested in knowing.
This opening salvo from Alderman Toohey sounds as if we are to forget everything he has done the past three years.
Alderman Toohey, I know you read this and have responded. My simple question is, what has caused you to move into a different direction and what can we expect of you between now and the election?
Very Curious I am glad you take such an interest the city and you asked these questions which I am more than happy to answer.
I was not critical that the other Aldermen for the information they shared but because they made financial forecast and projections by just using partial information from the financial statements and not examining them as a whole. I further added the language “as a whole” is in the audit opinion because that is how the statements should be interpreted, as a whole. When just a few line items are examined independently, an entity’s true financial position could be misinterpreted.
Furthermore, I have been pushing for greater documentation of internal controls and an audit committee which the mayor has fought very hard against. We have very opposing ideas on how the city should be run.
The additional point about shedding more light on the state audit. I asked the question of those calling for additional audits to please explain what the scope of an additional audit would be and how that would be different from the previous audits performed. I never received an answer to that question.
I am glad you take such an active interest in our city and hope you keep up the good work. Residents like you are an asset! But I do wish you would post your real name, its harder for elected officials the public to trust the intent of the comments of those that cannot post their true names behind their questions.
I can’t wait to hear your stance on some of the issues that the residents have been concerned about lately, Mr. Toohey.
The only dog I have in this race is what is best for Brentwood. Ald. Toohey has a voting record that is antithetical to the best interests of Brentwood. We all can guess he’s a nice guy–but not mayoral material. Several references to Ald. Kramer as a seasoned alderman have been made. It would be nice to hear from him.