Hanley-Manchester pedestrian crossing signals: Not likely soon


Planning a pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of Hanley and Manchester roads in Maplewood isn’t as easy as crossing the street.

Based on inquiries and concerns expressed by readers of 40 South News, we looked into what it would take to construct a signalized pedestrian crossing at the busy intersection. One reader pointed out that the area is especially hazardous for walkers because of the nearby Metro Link station just east of the intersection.

Screen shot 2014-02-26 at 5.26.57 PMIt turns out that providing pedestrian crossing indicators at the intersection is an expensive proposition, costing between $750,000 to $1 million, according to David Wrone, public information officer for the St. Louis County Department of Streets and Highways and Public Works. Wrone says the county maintains the intersection, since it acquired responsibility for it in 1997.

He said the county intends to upgrade the intersection by widening it, building a new bridge over the drainage creek and adding a pedestrian crossing capability. But that project, estimated to cost about $70 million, is a few years away from being started – about five to ten years, Wrone said. In the meantime, the county is attempting to find enough funds to begin planning the intersection-wide project.

“Right now we’re kind of in a holding pattern on it,” Wrone said. “It’s not going to happen in the near term.”

What the county doesn’t want to do is install pedestrian indicators at the intersection at a cost of close to $1 million and then tear it down when the larger intersection improvements are underway.

“I’m not saying it’s not a worthy goal, but it’s not a high priority right now,” Wrone said.

Meanwhile, people crossing Hanley or Manchester roads will have to keep a good lookout for oncoming cars.


  1. I would really love to sees. Breakdown of the costs. $1million to install indicators? Are they made of platinum and wired with gold? Ok, that was an exaggeration.

  2. Thanks for the article. This has been a pet peeve of mine for a while. The issues are not just the pedestrian indicators at the intersection itself. The sidewalks and crosswalks on Manchester between Hanley and the Metrolink station are a concern as well.

    If you are heading westbound on the north side of Manchester towards Hanley, there is no crosswalk at the Metrolink station. Apparently you are supposed to already be on the south side of Manchester, cross Manchester to the north side using the Metrolink platform, and then continue on the north side toward the intersection. There is only a crosswalk on the north side of Manchester (at least the last time I crossed there).
    HOWEVER – there is not a complete sidewalk on the north side of Manchester between the Metrolink station and Hanley, so you have to walk in the grass or the street.

    There are a lot of persons with disabilities trying to get to Mers Goodwill (located on the west side of Hanley, north of Manchester) who use the Metrolink to get there, and without a sidewalk, it is not easy.


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