Penzeys Spices corporate owner calls Donald Trump ‘openly racist’


The owner of Penzeys Spices, Bill Penzey Jr., said in an email to the company’s fans and a followup post on Facebook, that those who voted for Donald Trump “voted for an openly racist candidate for the presidency of the United States of America.”

He suggested that they make a donation to civil liberties or anti-hate groups to atone for their vote, according to the Milwaukee Sentinel Journal.

“The open embrace of racism by the Republican Party in this election is now unleashing a wave of ugliness unseen in this country for decades,” Penzey said. Penzeys Spices is based in Wauwatosa, WI.

An employee of the Maplewood Penzeys store referred questions on the topic to the corporate office.


  1. I applaud Penzey’s owner for having the courage of his convictions. Like a baker refusing to make a cake for a gay wedding, he feels some things are more important than money. Refreshing!

    • I think it’s more like a baker writing a Facebook post bashing gay people… but still baking them a cake for their wedding. Last I checked, no one at Penzey’s is checking voter records before selling someone Smoked Spanish Paprika.

  2. All the hate and name calling from the left directed at President Elect Trump is nothing more than, I quit, you cheated, give me my doll I’m going home! I am not racist towards Obama because I do not consider the black half but the white side. All I see is white. Give the Don a chance he may make you happy with money so you no longer have to depend on the Democrats to give you your monthly hand out. GO TO THE FAX BUSINESS CHANNEL AND CHECK OUT THE DOW SINCE THE DON WAS ELECTED, 19,063 AT 1250 P.M so suckered it up and be an adult and put your crayons away.

      • You missed out! Obam is black and white, therefore when I speak of and all the big time mistakes he has made I speak of his white side then people like you cannot call me a racist. One big mistake was pulling the troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq on a time schedule at that, great tactical maneuver. Then allowing all the undocumented Muslims into the USA, and when ISIS comes to your door, if you never prayed before in your life you better start Pronto. I know your laughing right now and thinking what is he talking about. Ask the citizens of England, Germany, and France. If you can read this thank a teacher, if you can read this in English thank a veteran.

  3. Wow, people on all sides, it is both saddening and fascinating to witness how immediately the responses become just labeling and put-downs. Pretty crass with a bunch of name-calling. No discussion, nothing that can be considered a thoughtful argument. Sure, it’s social media, but stop and think a second. I teach high school and my students are successful when asked to be far more articulate in a public forum.

  4. Cry babies…show me on your tax return what you give… 31 years at a aviation company and I gave every payday… I loved Penzzys.. I can cook, grew up in the biz… They won’t get one dime from me ever again keep your Political comments your own.. You just hurt your employees…

    • “Lost so badly”

      I guess losing really badly means winning at least 1.5 million votes more than Trump. The supposedly forgotten poor, rural Americans from you blog (not an article) have more of a voice that people living in urban centers. Their vote literally means more than poor people in urban centers because of the electoral college.

      • Losing badly means getting crushed up and down the ballot all over the country.
        Take 5 minutes and check the governorships & state legislatures. Those, along with POTUS & Congress are pretty much the definition of “losing badly”. Note that the EC has nothing to do with any of that except for the presidential election. As to who has more of a voice, maybe you could also check life expectancy. Did you know that it has gone down for midwesterners? For the first time ever? And your “blog (not an article)” thing – What? What does that even mean? Something to think about when it comes to attitudes like yours: That’s how you got Trump. Dial back the bitterness & maybe put yourself in others’ shoes.

        • So a bunch of people who could benefit from unions, or do benefit from it already, voted republican to help deny their collective bargaining rights and hopes for better wages. Sounds like a smart move on their part.

          • We could argue whether or not unions drove manufacturing jobs overseas, but I don’t think you’re ready to think outside the bosses talking points. Bottom line is that they want a voice, and hitching their wagon to the corrupt, dying labor movement won’t get it done.

  5. I think Mr. Penzey did not put down those who voted for Trump. He just stated that a vote for Tee-Rump was a vote for a racist. Who sees Tee-Rump as a genuinely fair, even-minded, even-handed being? Please give examples of his fine behavior, both before the election and since. I’d love to research those examples, and share them with others. I also believe in putting one’s money where one’s mouth is, and respect Mr. Penzey for that.

    • Cindy, can you sit back in your computer chair and be proud of the comments you made on this topic? Telling people they deserve to be ridiculed, calling people idiots, etc. because they didn’t vote the way YOU thought they should. Pretty shameful behavior coming from an adult.

          • It’s sad people can’t have a reasonable political discussion from different viewpoints without insulting others and name calling. The politicians do it with their negative campaign advertising and it continues elsewhere. Name-calling and offending other people needs to stop on all sides. It’s childish – and that word is really an insult to children who are more mature than some adults. I didn’t like either major candidate, but I’m taking a wait and see approach.

  6. Everyone is entitled to having an opinion. It won’t change whether I shop more or less at a business. Many people say stupid things but the rest of us don’t see it all over the news. Better to stay quiet and look smart than to say something stupid. That goes for both Penzey and Trump.

  7. If a person speaks disrespectful words about other races publicly, then saying that person is openly racist is a simple statement of fact. Boycotting a person or business for speaking honestly about the things we’ve all seen and heard seems rather absurd. I love shopping at Penzeys and will continue to support a fine Maplewood business.

  8. Interesting…
    Man bullies women, Muslims, veterans, people with disabilities: is voted president.
    Man denounces said behaviors: is boycotted?

  9. It is obvious that Bill Penny has been snorting too much of his spices, it has damaged his brain along with his common sense, get a life

    • Great place. Those who are “boycotting” them probably haven’t stepped foot in a Penzey’s anyways. I’ll gladly spend more money there too

  10. I wrote to Bill Penzeys expressing my distaste for his intolerant, bullying attitude. It’s a shame because I’ve used Penzeys products for years but will have to go elsewhere. So long, Penzeys.

  11. Bill Penzey has been spewing that crap for years . . . Long before Trump started his campaign Penzey was saying things such as the only reason anyone would move to a suburb was racism–so I guess everyone in Saint Louis County is a racist, no matter who they voted for.
    Let’s keep in mind though, that while Penzey himself needs to see a proctologist find his head (hopefully Obamacare covers rectal – cranial inversions ), the stores are owned by franchisees.
    The people at our local Penzey’s are nice people who have made a considerable investment in opening, expanding and improving the store–let’s not punish them.
    Penzey claims he’s going to read every email he gets; let’s light up his inbox.

    • Light it up with support for denouncing a racist fool. I’ll be sure to go shop there now.

      (are you going to get your feelings hurt if I call Trump a racist fool? Probably since you Trump supporters are so thin skinned. Get used to being called a racist and an idiot for supporting a racist idiot.)

    • The stores are not owned by franchisees- just a small correction there. And thank you for the comment of not beating up the employees- which btw- have not invested anything in expanding the store-they work there. Bill Penzey expanded the store.

  12. I get a gift set every year for several of my family members at Penzey’s…….after that diatribe, I will have to pass. Hate to not patronize a Maplewood establishment for political reasons, but I will if their owner wields such a broad brush and is as pompous as this Bill Penzey Jr seems to be.


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