Police: 3 arrests at Brentwood Promenade


The following information was supplied by the Brentwood Police Department website. Where arrests or charges are mentioned, it does not indicate a conviction.

Thursday, March 20

  • One arrest was made for suspicion of soliciting at 7:03 p.m. at Brentwood Promenade.

Friday, March 21

  • One arrest was made for suspicion of shoplifting at 8:44 p.m. at Brentwood Promenade.

Saturday, March 22

  • Fraud was reported at 7:46 p.m. at Brentwood Promenade.

Sunday, March 23

  • One  arrest was made for suspicion of shoplifting at 5:30 p.m. at Brentwood Promenade.

Tuesday, March 25

  • One arrest was made for disturbance at 9:23 p.m. in the 2400 block of Brentwood Boulevard.



  1. Resident OB your grammar and punctuation are atrocious. You speculative points about what criminals think are in your own head. Open your eyes.

    Pat is just fine. Just would love a new mayor. I have previously been very direct about which aldermen are not doing what the people want, posting them by name. I do not dislike them; I completely disagree with them as do a large number of residents. But I don’t dislike them. Thanks for your comments.

    • Marybridgetbolt…I am sorry you feel the need check my grammar and spelling, check your second sentence. I am sure no matter who is running the city, you are the type of person that will complain. How about looking at all the positives of the city. Here is another thought, try being part of the solution. Looking for any little thing to complain about is useless.

      • Brentwood DOES have a lot of positives. However, this administration is “selling us off” and doing it without proper input or notification of (esp) young parents with children and older people who cannot make the BOA meetings. That is mayoral cronyism overshadowing the populous and refusing to account for acts made on behalf of the City. It is also why Alderman Saunders takes such a mean thug beating when she asks for accountability.

        Alderman Saunders (and several other aldermen) STAND for good accounting, both financial and ordinance implementation in all Brentwood Aldermanic functions. This interferes with the mayor’s designs as HE wants, not necessarily those of the people. His crew of lemmings, his blind followers keep what should be public information out of the view of the residents. I have cited on a different post two candidates I would really like to see replace Pat. Pat is a wonderful person, but dumb as a bag of hair as Brentwood’s mayor. I do not relish being so negative, but will continue to tow the line of transparent government for as long as needed. (I apologize for remarking on your grammar and punctuation. It served a purpose of not breaking stride and actually had nothing to do with you. Again I apologize.) Thanks guy for the comment.

        • So, if someone doesn’t agree with your view of the city, they are dumb or part of the club, or just plain bad. While everyone has their idea of what is wrong or right, what makes your idea better than mine or mine better than yours. I think everyone is striving for a good community, we just have different ideas of what that is. I have been around this city for a long time and while the city has its problems, it’s better then the early 80’s. The thing that bothers me is that the state auditor on his follow up, stated that things are greatly improved and continues to get better. But that is not good enough for all of you.

  2. Arrest for solicitation in Brentwood?? What next Pat? A lot for mobile homes? A biker bar? A drag-queen disco? Oh, there is money to be made with Brentwood’s mayor.

    I’m just “so thrilled” our dispatchers are outsourced and now we can welcome all kinds of new crimes of opportunity that require just that little bit of extra time to commit. The perps have time now. Well done Pat, (in advance of notifying the public and before Ald. had a chance to register in with their constituency) —well done under the table. I LOVE OUR FR’s in Brentwood–Sorry they have to see this go down as it has.

    Pat, you are as welcome as a citizen could ever ask to be. You really need to leave the big decisions to the people whose aldermen keep them advised–and that is not your style. (and I bet you thought I was done…)

    • Marybridgebolt…you are clueless if you think outsourcing dispatchers equals more crime. Dispatchers send police to crimes, they don’t deter crime. I am sure the criminals outside of Brentwood didn’t say to themselves Brentwood will be an easy target now that they are outsourcing the dispatchers. I think this has more to do with your dislike of the Mayor and some of the Alderman, and less to do with hard facts. People like yourself is what is wrong with society today, deal in facts not emotions, it will serve you well.


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