Police SUV malfunctions, crashes through Brentwood ECC fence


A Brentwood police SUV malfunctioned Thursday afternoon and crashed through the fence into an unoccupied play area at the Brentwood School District ECC, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. No one was hurt.

The police vehicle went through the fence before stopping, damaging one of the play sets.

Brentwood Chief of Police Dan Fitzgerald said the officer told him the SUV malfunctioned.

Fitzgerald said Friday that it is being investigated.

Brentwood Schools Superintendent David Faulkner told the Post Dispatch he didn’t know why the police SUV was there. He said district insurance will pay for repairs.


  1. Why are we jumping to conclusions here? Sure, a “malfunction” sounds odd, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility. I for one am fully confident that Chief Fitzgerald will do a full and complete investigation. If it is found that there in fact was no malfunction, I believe he will deal with the officer accordingly. But in general I tend to give our police officers the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.

  2. Chief Fitzgerald is going to lose a lot of respect of Brentwoid residents if it is shown that he did not investigate this case thoroughly. The “malfunction” excuse does not pass the smell test! This cop was either texting or impaired. Do the right thing, Chief!


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