Post Sports Bar ex-cook throws Molotov cocktail through window: police


A former cook at The Post Sports Bar & Grill has been charged with starting a fire at the Maplewood bar, apparently trying to trap employees in the restaurant at the time, according to Maplewood Police.

On April 16, in the evening, Alexander Silver threw what appeared to be two Molotov cocktails at the front entrance of the Post Sports Bar & Grill, according to Maplewood Police.

It happened at a time when the restaurant is normally still occupied by employees. Silver drove his car to the back of the building and blocked the rear exit with his vehicle before lighting the fire, police say. On this particular evening, employees had just closed the bar and were out of building at the time of the fire. There were no injuries.

Maplewood police found Silver using the license plate information of his car abandoned at scene, according to KPLR news. Silver confessed to the crime.

The Post general manager, Dave Sendejas, told KPLR his departure was not acrimonious. “He stopped showing up for work. He walked out on his shift, and after that we parted ways,” he said. “It seems like he had some sinister intentions, with that, you know? I don’t know, you’d have to ask him.”

Silver, of the 7300 block of Manchester Road, was charged with first degree arson and held on $100,000 bond, according to court records.

Chrystal Ray, an artist at Studio:art, in Maplewood, was hired by The Post owners to paint the St. Louis Blues and Cardinals artwork over the plywood where the window was broken.



  1. I am so grateful this wasn’t worse! This gives a whole new meaning to “going postal”! We love going to The Post and recommend it to people relocating or visiting here.

  2. I am glad that the emergency responders where there to take care of things. However, I am deeply sickened by anyone in the community who would be so callous to do a food review at a time when the owners have to be very upset, owners who have been known to offer their business for fundraisers that help sports groups and schools. I have always found the owners to be very friendly as well as the staff.

    • Near midnight on Sunday nite/Monday morning. If you lived within 5 miles, you couldn’t have missed all the sirens. There couldn’t have been more than 20 cars out and about, and it sounded like 50 emergency vehicles. I guess they figured they would let everyone know they weren’t sleeping. They tried to raise the dead with their noise. If we ever have a major emergency, I shudder to think of all the clatter and noise the emergency vehicles will make!

      • Very self-centered response, Dave! That you lost a little sleep while first responders were headed to the scene is reprehensible. This incident could have had a much worse outcome. It is clear that the mission of the former cook was to toast his former co-workers…a heinous crime. But I guess you don’t care about that nor the safety of those in emergency vehicles headed to the scene. Shame on you!

      • If you live anywhere near Manchester and Big Bend, you will hear all the emergency equiptment from all the cities surrounding Maplewood, including the city of St Louis. Always have and always will hear. You should have heard it the night Goldies burned down……lol. Anytime a call involves an apartment or a business in Maplewood, you will hear those sirens.

        • And just be glad you do….you know our “First Responders” are here to help us all…..and do an excellent job of it.


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