Maplewood resident, Eleanor Pardini, has announced on Facebook that she filed Tuesday morning to run to represent Ward 2 on Maplewood City Council. The election is on April 2, 2019.

Pardini said in her post that she’s a senior lecturer and the assistant director of environmental studies at Washington University. She moved to St. Louis 14 years ago with her husband, Chris Dunn, a high school math teacher. Their two children attend Maplewood Richmond Heights schools.
“Like many of you, we chose Maplewood as the place we wanted to put down roots because it is a diverse, vibrant community with so much to offer,” she said.
Also, from her Facebook post:
These activities all speak to what is most important to me: I am passionate about thinking regionally, sustainability, developing authentic relationships, working in collaborative partnership, and building communities that feel inclusive and welcoming for all. I am ready to roll up my sleeves and do what it takes to continue our growth as a vibrant, diverse community. Some of my priorities include supporting our local economic development, supporting and enhancing walkability and bikeability, collaborating with our phenomenal public school district, maintaining affordable housing, enhancing communication between the city and residents, and creating policies that serve everyone in our community.
See Pardini’s campaign Facebook page here.
Ward 2 council member Tim Dunn’s term expires in April, 2019. Ray Crader’s expires in 2020.
Sounds like a great candidate. Would like to hear updates on the status of the Richmond Heights council more often as well….
My simply put. I hope the vulnerability of political life is not reduced to misplacing of the wrong idea in limited instrumentalist. I don’t forget movement of change for classical thought was either accidental or substantive. Modern thought is will to power as most often simply one fact to a hunch impulse and leap to conclusion. Signage in the yard of particular emphasis for life matters is just the same as thank you …or property protected by…for that is simply tip of an iceberg.
Some strategy to push buttons is assuming the other camp is totally contradictory. The fallacy of attacking a comment of a person is right up there with the law of the excluded middle. Assuming beyond the limit of ignorance is that there is more than a slippery smoke and dialogue to democratic process shows limits in the Information Age that we grow exhausted as sensationalism and the struggle for achieving requires comm7nication between branches of the government but also the impulse to see real change beyond presupposition of making formal decision to accomplish representation is enough. There is simply not time to hear all perspectives as POV with each and everyone having meaning. That is what grassroots talk is about and extension of value to accomadte constitutional belief. I didn’t see this post as whacky plaque or aphorism on a button. My opinion was this candidate might have genuine flexibility in the ward 2hich I live and try to assimilate the language of hows it going, yet not wanting as waiting for an answer or music that does not sound like in the 60’s but somehow has something familiar as we ain’t going nowhere. I am interested if that is no where or now here? Thanks for your comment! Oh golly…freedom is not free
Mehhh. Waaaay too wordy.
How about yes I am a puke but bigger chucks can be moved possibly to enhance view for what might I heard be a refresh button on that so recalled keyboard? I am new at this vulnerability schematic
You live in ward 2? Can bots vote?
Can’t deny we are all full of something. Yet scat has color, extension and did I reach beyond shape and form? Your right about checking the ward of how much I get wrong. I did not claim to address the propriety of the footprint just the possibility of occurance in what is neighborly and other identity
Austin — Michael, of the recent uniquely-worded comments, is real. I know him and see him often around Maplewood.
Your right my mismarked anomies are my problem as omission. I tried to think I could give back to this community too fast. I have new possibility that I was trying to see in larger framework. However I am easily detectable as my being obvious included people running for office talking with me asking for my vote and then my trying in council wanting my opinion to be understood. People telling me what god knows is different as positing religion and politics as separation. American knowhow assumes a common belief of cooperation. The points mentioned by candidate I agree with as why one might live in this composited comm7nity. The how to wherefore is the tending I am trying to see as best force for the issues as limits for past years highlines and attitude of expression in skepticism that requires communication in now winter quarters. My problem is not biting off more than I can chew but my best fit in giving back to this unique community environment also as Eleanor mentioned. I think she has more than words.
Your comments are obviously thoughtful, but lack credibility when they are so difficult to decipher by the average reader. I think they contain some great thoughts, but maybe have someone proof them before posting. A lot of effort with little gain at this point.
William James said three years after the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exhibition, 1904 Worlds Fair, “What you want is a philosophy that will not only exercise your powers of intellectual abstraction, but that will make some positive connexion with this actual world of finite human lives”. It is my understanding Maplewood had the first streetcar connection, the Manchester Line, and we would have to check with Doug Hauser since I already asked for parlay unside historical significance. James also talked about Empiricism, English speaking, and Rationalism, mostly Continental thought in Relation to his talk on American ingenuity as Pragmatism.
I was wordy because I did not want to appear as radical asking what lies between Science and Religion. That seems to be taste of Maplewood or arts and celebration of human expression.
My experiment of extension then was what it was but I will learn that lesson about manifestation beyond final causes, destinies, but I do see the subjective in wholeness as some part of opposite in whole other or we would not be curious about any otherwise. I certainly was not asking for burden of proof as I have my own descript way of finding irony. If people describe this Metropolis as big town in small city or small town in big city then that includes Forest Park and Just beyond city limits and where suburbs begin. What I was naive about was temperament toward the absolute and mmarginally practical. Or as James put it when Bostonian mindset meets Cripple Creek Colorado.
I think therefore this is a Eastern settlement though the Spanish came from the South and French came from the North.
Final conclusion is no more posting and I will Route for Brewers to take all if they make it to the Series. Thank you no more posts
Eleanor you already have my vote! When we were having problems with our neighbor over retaining wall I ask for Tim Dunn’s help. He told me he was going to help me and then after talking to our mayor he reneged. I’ve lost respect for him. You’ve got my vote!
Eleanor is an active member of her community, a thoughtful and intentional thinker who will do extremely well if elected. I hope Ward 2 Residents will support her candidacy – Maplewood will certainly benefit!
This is truly exciting news! I’ve had the opportunity to work with Eleanor on a few projects in our community and she is such an inspiration. I believe she has fresh ideas and is capable of bringing Maplewood to a new level of greatness. It’s already a fantastic place to live, work, and play, but I know Eleanor’s passion could make it even better! Looking forward to giving her my vote come April! #EleanorForMaplewood
I would not find it all bad to talk with Eleanor about prior thoughts entering into want in relation to knowing and beliefs of beyond political correctness as given to universal accountability and/or post structure positionality or language process in democratic time delay process for verification yet not forgone conclusion to grassroots substantiality as resilient to that concept of idea or settling into pragmatic wholesome community as trust beyond statistical undersided Grant or Fund approval. Washington University folks seem to always have had belîevble first appearance credible attempt within bridging orientation to some identity worth as realism
Is this even a real thought or just a ton of buzzwords puked onto a keyboard?
These are all concepts that make up the assumed underlying place of our so called assumption of criticism as blow off to matter of not getting back to good old days as simple wishful entropy
Signs as cultural one sidedness is not reruns of more and mindy. Or simply not caring we can’t take what we don’t get!
I for one give resilient factor to yard display of Halloween expression and implication of brutality in how terrorism is just that with thoughts of underpinning. Realism is democracy as allowance of expression but how is that different from sour milk? Cultural relativism starts with saying “there are no absolutes!” Gee guess what …that is an absolute and there are new ways of reason, freedom, and education in neo enlightenment than fabric despairing in patchwork questions. How to puke a buzzard off of a gut wagon is da yes simply doing it but how do we presuppose timespace and causality in otherwise to historical significance? Cummunity is language context but moreover a family business. One patch thought at a time use adds up to ton of something but stack of that goes somewhere or simply ideas gphave consequences and why do we think we are all good.
Hilarious and right on!
If you’re questioning the validity of a comment, the wording you’re using to do it (Mr. Miner, is there a standard for respect or tone that you monitor), takes all credibility away from your opinion.
Had the pleasure of meeting Eleanor recently. She will be a great candidate for city council and she will get my vote.
I know Eleanor from our time together on the Maplewood Sustainability Commission. She is a thoughtful, well-informed citizen who would make a great council representative for Ward 2.