Restaurant opening reported delayed by broken A/C


Thai Table had reported on Instagram that it’s grand opening would take place on Wednesday. On Tuesday they said their air conditioner is broken and would not open Wednesday and that the AC would be fixed “very soon.”

See also:


  1. While folks were lecturing me on Business for Beginners 101, I went and had some pad thai and spring rolls. A/c wasn’t on, but it was a beautiful night and the food was delicious!

  2. Wow Lincoln, there is a big difference between the resources for a big corporate store like Schnucks or Tim Hortons and a small independent business. Small business owner’s have to go out on a limb, put their whole life savings, time and energy into opening, often with little support and learning by hard knocks. People have no idea the cost it takes to get a small business up and running. It’s tough and small businesses need help and support from the community and customers, not criticism.

  3. Love Thai Food! Hopefully everything gets repaired soon. We will be one of the first in line to experience our new Maplewood Thai restaurant!

    • Wow! Stuff happens in every industry. Yes, believe it or not, ownership changes, mechanical failures, contractor issues, etc. do occur. Personally, I love Thai food, and I am excited to know there is a Thai restaurant within walking distance to us. The “walkability” factor was one of the reasons my husband and I came to Maplewood.

      Personally, I would like to congratulate the new owners and commend them on a job (this far) well done.


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