Richmond Heights firefighters honored for helping save 2 lives

Cessare Chiaradonna, Richmond Heights Fire Chief Kerry Hogan and the department were honored at St. Mary's.

Members of the Richmond Heights Fire Department were honored Thursday at St. Mary’s Health Center for their part in saving the lives of two Richmond Heights residents when they suffered sudden cardiac arrest.

Austin Bates and Cessare Chiaradonna had heart attacks in March, and both walked out of the hospital less than a week later.

Mary Fischer, who works with heart attack cases at the hospital, said the success was the result of the firefighters and hospital staff working together. Hospital staff was also recognized.

Bates said he experienced no warning before the “lights went out”, on March 5. Bystanders began CPR and called 911. Richmond Heights Fire Department arrived within three minutes of being dispatched, according to records. CPR was continued, he was shocked twice to bring back a pulse, and was taken to St. Mary’s Health Center.

Bates was not at the ceremony; he was on the West Coast for a family graduation.

On March 25, Richmond Heights Fire Department was dispatched for a 55-year-old man, Cessare Chiaradonna, who was unresponsive, lying on the floor. His wife, Jan, had called 911.

Fischer told Chiaradonna’s wife, Jan, that she did a wonderful job on the phone with the East Central Dispatch. “The reports states you started rescue breaths until Richmond Heights got there,” she said.

“911 was wonderful. They really kept me calm,” Chiaradonna said.

The fire department was able to bring back his pulse. Their scene time was 10 minutes and transport time to St. Mary’s was two minutes.

“What you accomplished in such a short time is simply amazing,” Fischer told the department.

Fire Chief Kerry Hogan said his firefighters say it’s just part of the job.

“But things like this, it makes you feel good,” he said. “I think I have some of the best-trained paramedics in the St. Louis area. Very proud of them. They do an excellent job every day.”

Hogan also said he will go back and tell the dispatchers they did a good job in the emergencies too.

Richmond Heights firefighters recognized were: Greg Steffen, Stephen Kimker, Eric Young, Michael Fox, Luke Van Cleave, Steve Niemeier, Stuart Stevens, Joe Nazzoli, Daniel Miner, Jonathan Smith, Suzanne Stahlman, Kelly Kennon and Scott Lilly


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