Richmond Heights to rededicate streets named for WWI soldiers


On the hundredth anniversary of Armistice Day, this year, on November 11, the city of Richmond Heights will rededicate five streets named for Richmond Heights men who died in World Ward I, city attorney Kenneth Heinz said in the council meeting on Monday.

The streets are Lile, Rupert, Goff, Gray and Winzenburg avenues. At 1 p.m. a commemorative street name, with the veteran’s full name, will be placed under the city’s street sign.

A ceremony at the Mid County Veterans Memorial on the grounds of The Heights, 8001 Dale Avenue, will follow that, at 2 p.m.

City Manager Amy Hamilton also said in the meeting that a resident with a home with an appraised value of $250,000 would pay $360 in city taxes in the coming year, 47 cents lower than last year.

New street signs will commemorate the Richmond Heights soldiers who died in WWI.


  1. Roy E. Lile, b. 27 Oct. 1893. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Eris P. Lile, Richmond Heights
    Enlisted: U.S. Marine Corp 14 June 1917.
    Served 6th Regiment in WW I: 19 Nov. 1917 to 5 Sep. 1918.
    Engaged in many battles.
    Wounded–Bellau Woods, France; 6 June, 1918.
    Invalided home in Sep. 1918; continuing complications.
    Died from wounds received in battle and subsequent surgery on 13 Feb. 1919.

    Recipient of a gold star for courage and conspicuous bravery.
    Posthumous award of the Croix de Guerre by the French Government:
    “Gave poof of courage and coolness in attacking a nest of machine-guns
    strongly fortified which he captured and kept.”
    Roy E. Lile’s name inscribed on black granite Cenotaph, downtown Soldiers’ Memorial.


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