Roads flood in Brentwood, Maplewood, Rock Hill; power outages too


A rainy night led to flooded roads in the area Monday morning, according to reports on Twitter and from Brentwood Police. The intersection of Hanley and Manchester roads got much of the attention on Twitter — from Fox 2, KSDK and the Post-Dispatch.

Brentwood Police reports on Facebook, that as of 7 a.m., Manchester Road is impassable from Mary Avenue to Cecelia, and is also blocked in Rock Hill. Brentwood Boulevard is flooded at Russell Avenue. Traffic is a mess on some side streets due to detours. Traffic signals are out at Brentwood/Litzsinger. On top of that, a good portion of town is without power.

Fox 2 reported that the flooding at Hanley and Manchester is due to flooding from the nearby Black Creek. Employees at the Watering Bowl, on Hanley Road, evacuated the dogs to another facility.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that Bob Holthaus of Holthaus Technologies, at 8410 Manchester Road, went to his office early Monday morning to move equipment onto higher shelves. He said it’s the second time this year he’s had to do that.

Ameren UE reports 2,610 outages in the Brentwood area code, 61 in Richmond Heights and none in Maplewood. City of Brentwood posted that the outages affected phone lines at city hall.


  1. I agree, that area has flooded numerous times, there is a creek there people. Wise people do not build near water. I have lived in this area since 1977, and the flooding has increased a great deal in the last few years, and will continue to get worse. There are too many developments in the water shed, the water runs off all the the parking lots right into the creeks.

  2. And someone wants to build apartments on the corner of Hanley and Manchester!? Really! So we can hear folks somber stories of how they get flooded out during heavy rains!?


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