Rock Hill citywide garage sale is Saturday, rain or shine


Saturday morning is Rock Hill’s City wide garage sale, according to alderman Philip Scherry. Maps are available on the city’s website.  They will also be available at Rock Hill Park 827 N. Rock Hill Road from 7-9 a.m. Saturday morning. The sale will be held rain or shine.

Also from Alderman Scherry:

On Tuesday, the Board of Alderman will meet at 7 p.m.  Items on the agenda.

  • 2016 Property tax rates.  The bond issue approved in April for the new City Hall included a tax increase.
  • Reduction in the maximum fine for minor traffic violations from $300 to $225 in compliance with Senate Bill 572
  • Updates to the liquor license ordinance dealing with background checks and fees
  • Agreement with MSD to do work on 2700 block of S. McKnight and 1000 block of Charleville.

The Rock Hill Fall Festival is Saturday October 1.  Join us for a parade from City Hall to Hudson school starting at 11am.  The festival follows at Hudson School from 12 noon to 4 p.m.

Global Brew is celebrating their 1 year anniversary in Rock Hill on October 8.  Details on their Facebook page.




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