Rock Hill pulls out of consolidated fire command plan, numbers to change


The city of Rock Hill last week in a council work session pulled out of a plan to consolidate the fire command structure for the five cities of Clayton, Brentwood, Maplewood, Richmond Heights and Rock Hill, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has reported.

The Rock Hill city administrator, Jennifer Yackley, told the Post-Dispatch that the plan would have cost the city $175,000 — about $100,000 more than what it currently pays for fire command staff. She said the city had other plans for the funds.

Richmond Heights has already approved the plan. On Tuesday it was on the Maplewood City Council agenda before the meeting, but was deleted.

Maplewood City Manager Marty Corcoran told the Post-Dispatch that Rock Hill’s departure from the plan will change the cost for the remaining cities, not kill the plan. He didn’t know at the time what those numbers are.


  1. All of the fire agencies in this area have what they call “Mutual Aid Agreements” wherein if another agency is in need of additional equiptment, and it is available in another city, they send the help. Rock Hill pulling out with neither help or hurt any city when they need help. Every city at one time or another uses trucks from surrounding areas.

    Curious about salaries of Rock Hill compared to the other cities fire salaries… I believe that they may be the lowest paid. I wonder if that may have something to do with this? Would Rock Hill have to put more out from their budget to make salaries competitive?

    It would be nice to have this whole process explained to all of the residents involved. Although the City of Richmond Heights passed the consolidation, it was reported that Alderman Vilcek was against this consolidation as were some others. Vilcek was the Chief of Police and a lifelong employee of Richmond Heights. He may be a great person to interview as to why he was not for the consolidation.

  2. Good for Rock Hill! The remaining departments will come to your aid if needed but, hopefully you will not need their help.


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