Saint Louis Closet Co. plans donations to St. Louis-based charities though 2020


Beginning Feb. 1, Saint Louis Closet Co. will donate a percentage of gross sales for the month to multiple charities throughout 2020. In February, Saint Louis Closet Co.’s donation will feature Stray Rescue of St. Louis, which rescues about 2,000 dogs and cats from the streets every single year, Saint Louis Closet Co. reports.

“In 2020, Saint Louis Closet Co. is making local charities a priority, starting with Stray Rescue of St. Louis,” said Jennifer Williams, owner of Saint Louis Closet Co. “Our strong history of community involvement has motivated us to give back a percentage of our sales to those in need of funding.”

Since 1998, the mission of Stray Rescue of St. Louis is to lead the way toward making St. Louis a compassionate city where every companion animal knows health, comfort, and affection, and no stray is euthanized merely because he or she has been abandoned, abused, or neglected. They are the largest no-kill organization in the city of St. Louis and the surrounding area.

“We are thrilled to partner with Saint Louis Closet Co.!” said Cassady Caldwell, executive director of Stray Rescue of St. Louis. “The funds we raise will go to our Stracks Fund and will undoubtedly help us save more deserving souls who need us.”

Stray Rescue’s Stracks Fund was established to provide emergency medical care to strays that have suffered from the most severe abuse and neglect. The fund ensures uninterrupted medical care for the companion animals they rescue.Saint Louis Closet Co. is proud to support charitable and educational organizations in the past including Make A Wish, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and others.

For more information about Stray Rescue of St. Louis, visit



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