Saint Mary Magdalen students experience STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math


On Tuesday, Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic School participated in an exciting educational program sponsored by the Sheldon Arts Foundation, underwritten by the Boeing Company, with input from the St. Louis Science Center.

This program was organized by music teacher, Denise Dolan, after obtaining a grant through the Sheldon Concert Hall. Dolan has been working with the students to encourage them to use science and math to make music.

Tuesday morning, Tim Mulhall, from the St. Louis Science Center taught the students about the science of sound and how vibrations are created. After lunch, students entered the gym, which was filled with common materials and recyclables and invented their own musical instrument with the help of Boeing engineers.

The students learned they could use science and math to make music. This project is a STEAM project, which combines the creativity of the arts with the STEM disciplines of science, technology, engineering and math. The students had fun, learned a lot and were thrilled with their musical instruments!


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