Saunders defended against censure — it’s not reintroduced

Matt Saunders reads a defense of Alderman Maureen Saunders, his wife.

At the Oct. 5 Brentwood Board of Aldermen meeting Alderman Patrick Toohey brought a motion of censure toward Alderman Maureen Saunders, which failed 5-2.

Saunders’s husband, Matt Saunders, assuming Toohey would again make the motion — with more evidence, at the Oct. 19 meeting, read a rapid-fire defense of his wife’s actions as alderman.

Residents Denise Soebbing and Louise Charboneau also defended Saunders.

Soebbing said it was apparent that four individuals in the room were prepared for the motion and the others weren’t. Charboneau said Saunders is steady and sometimes prickly. “I salute her courage, I salute her independence and her perseverance.” Charboneau said she doesn’t think any behavior of any alderman she has seen has risen to the level of censure.

See also: Saunders’ actions focus of Thornton email

The aldermen have an opportunity to respond, following the comments, but there none did.

Mayor Chris Thornton, at the end of the meeting, said he sent a “memo” to the board of aldermen before the meeting “to make sure the board understands that it is the board of aldermen acting as a group that decides what is appropriate and what is not appropriate, and it is their duty and responsibility to make those decisions and enforce them. To the extent that they don’t do those things, I feel that the board and the city suffers…”

In the new business portion of the meeting Toohey was quiet — didn’t reintroduce censure. He said after the meeting that the email Thornton sent to the board of aldermen regarding their conduct may have accomplished what he was looking for.

Matt Saunders defends Maureen Saunders’ actions as Brentwood Alderman:

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See Saunders’ speech on the Brentwood YouTube channel, beginning at 10 minutes into the video.


  1. It absolutely astounds me how people like Jeni are okay with how our public servants took advantage of the citizens. The only way anyone would ever try to justify this type of behavior, they must somehow be involved. Hopefully all of these folks, if they have children have taught their children right from wrong, because in reading their e-mails, sounds like we may have quite a few future law breakers growing up in Brentwood.

  2. Mayor Thornton did a good job of stemming inappropriate or disorderly conduct in his memo. I would like to know if there was a factual foundation to Alderman Saunders giving rise to her due diligence research? That has not been clarified. I was wondering if Mayor Thornton has in any way rebuked the long term bad behavior of Alderman Toohey’s back stabbing and chronic subjective and personal criticism of Alderman Saunder to anyone who would listen–anytime, anywhere? Or does this inequity only apply to women Aldermen?

    It seems proper that the behaviors of Aldermen Saunders and Toohey should receive respective public correction at the executive level of Mayor Thornton. Alderman Toohey made a serious motion, but only half of the issue was addressed. Alderman Saunders is on the record for a potential censure. What is being done about Alderman Toohey’s terribly unprofessional, demeaning and negative ‘hen pecking’ at every opportunity, against Alderman Saunders ?

    Finally I really applaud Matt Saunders for publically defending Alderman (sorry–but i generally write in the masculine form) Alderman Saunders. It showed a strength of conviction and commitment for Matt to publically address the foundations of Alderman Saunder’s research. I have two dead husbands and both felt rare but justified spousal need to publicly intervene on my behalf. My late Father Jack Wheat would have done if anyone attacked my Mother (Catherine Wheat) or any of his four daughters. We have a chance to re-build consensus and position sharing by what appears to be a very good BOA. However, Alderman Toohey’s long term bad behavior against Alderman Saunders has not received the public rebuke ‘bright light’ of bad behavior by Ald. Toohey, mirroring the attention given to Ald. Saunders, from Mayoral level. I very much think the BOA is balanced and productive at sorting things out. But on-going bad behaviors by Alderman Toohey is laying the ground work for the impairing of “good old boys” network of the last administration. I do not see this anywhere else in the BOA, except Ald. Toohey. Mayor Thornton you are in a position to build equity of reprimand and run a clean administration. Does Ald. Saunders position have an evidentiary foundation that has been glossed over? It would be nice to have a cooperative executive and BOA, because the members are responsible and (with the exception of Ald Toohey) healthy respect for each other. Very respectfully written and with gratitude for what should be a productive administration I thank you. maureen

    • Maureen,
      It is very amusing how hypocritical you are . You speak of Alderman Toohey “hen pecking” at Alderwoman Saunders at “every opportunity”. Tisk tisk. All of your posts today and other previous posts for that fact, have done nothing but hen peck at Alderman Toohey. She who lives in a glass house shall not throw stones Maureen.
      Need we all be reminded that another Alderman (the other Ward 1 rep) also had a statement prepared at the last meeting. C’mon folks, the Saunders’ family thinks they are this Godly family that saves Brentwood all the while spending tax payer money and being highly unprofessional and always playing victim! (Alderwoman Saunders stating she was going to censure Alderman Toohey).

        • btw,Jeni–you seem naive. I have years of experience of being on a par course with men–many were mature minded. But there are so many men who have a little bit of power and HATE women who have that same strength of power. WAY TO GO MAUREEN SAUNDERS!
          love, maureen

  3. Gary – we are still here and support her. Look closely and you will see that we have at least one Alderperson that takes her job seriously and is working way beyond expectations for the citizens of Ward 1.

  4. I highly commend Matt Saunders coming to the defense of his wife. I have 2 deceased husbands. Out of respect they would defend me from hurtful attacks. My Mother, Catherine Wheat over the past year taught me that I can be too hard on people with words–and that is wrong. I have learned the lesson. But when it comes to a husband publically coming out to defend his wife, Maureen—i find that entirely proper, loving, and within refined social order. It is something my own late Father would have done to defend my Mother or any of their four daughters. Both parties the Mayor and Alderman Saunders positions evinced merit, and each did the best they could. I sincerely applaud Matt for backing up his wife. And i sincerely hope Alderman Toohey is done back-stabbing Alderman Saunders to anyone who will listen. This issue is not orderly or professional. Perhaps the Mayor may want to address the negatives of Pat’s behavior. This would bring a lot of credibility to the mayoral seat, in terms of not taking sides. love, maureen

  5. I wanted to sit back and read what comments would hit 40 South. Now they are here to read, so I will now address what I know must be said about the two aldermen who started playing in the mud and decided to start slinging the mud at Maureen Saunders.

    First, Mr. TOOHEY, you were campaigning with credentials you were a Certified Public Account, when technically you were not because your license had been expired for quite some time. So, therefore , you were not being honest with those good citizens you wanted to vote for you. So Mr. Toohey if you are any kind of a man, I would like for you to pubicly apologize to Mrs. Saunders.

    Second, Mr. Plufka, you are a carryover from the Pat Kelly days from the Ways and Means, and Kelly business as usual. How long did it take for you and TOOHEY to be persuaded by Kelly to go after Mrs. Saunders. Mr. Plufka, I would also like for you to publicly apologize to Mrs. Saunders.

    I am sure if we, (the citizens of Brentwood), were to investigate persons running for a public office in Brentwood, a true background investigation may discover some people who they say they are, may not be the same as they have claimed they are.

    Also, retired Fire Chief Niemeyer years ago, told my wife and I, and another couple, Kelly was the best Mayor the City of Brentwood ever had. At that time I told the Chief when the time comes Kelly will stab you in the back, and it has come to past hasn’t it? For payback to Kelly for what he did to the Chief, I would like to see the city move all cash and or other assets from the Eagle Bank and place all cash and assets into West Community Credit Union. Would this be the ethically thing to do?

    Last of all Mr. Larry W, when the Kelly machine went into motion in the 1stWard, nobody could defeat the two candidates Kelly surely supported but will deny to this date. Mark Wilson was educated in the Brentwood School system as a resident of Brentwood. He is an insider, not a carpetbagger and I truly think the election for Mayor of Brentwood was stolen from Mark.

  6. Mac – forgiveness is available. Please have those that want to be forgiven for their transgression against the city come up to the podium and ask for forgiveness and it shall be granted. Forgiveness is given to those that ask –

  7. Before you go attacking Saunders you might want to look into his reputation. Check with the following people, Father Jack at St. Mary Magdalen, and Father Bernie the prior Pastor. Then go talk to any of the 100’s of parents who had their children play for him in CYC. Then go talk to any of the players who got to play for him in basketball, soccer, softball or baseball.

  8. Mac and Larry, please just answer these simple questions, if you need help with answers please refer to the Bible.
    When is it okay to steal?
    When is it okay to lie?
    When is it okay to bear false witness against thy neighbor?
    Thank you, I believe your answer with help all of us better understand the core of your ethics.

    • The old has past away; behold, the new has come. Corinthians 5:17

      If you do not forgive men their sins, your father will not forgive your sins.
      Matthew 6:14

      • Oh Dear Lord,
        Forgiving is indeed a virtue, however…
        So is paying your debts.
        As is taking responsibility for your sins.
        Stealing from the taxpayer is a sin.
        Playing games with tax money, and holding the taxpayer hostage through shady dealings in government is a sin.
        Do you see anyone, from the former mayor on down, repenting and making amends for their sins?
        The one character, Seemayer?, paid at least a partial price, but what about the rest of the people who benefited (and I’m afraid, continue to benefit) from the shady way this little club is run?
        Yes, I forgive, but I want to see those who did (are doing) wrong in their positions of trust correct the wrongs and make restitution.
        I simply can’t understand blindly supporting those responsible, unless you’ve got a financial interest in seeing the same ol, same ol continue.

        • Rickinstl, as a previous alderman, I take offense with your accusations. With the exception of our past city administrator, I know of no other criminal activity. Even the state auditor stated that he didn’t believe there was any criminal activity. In hindsight maybe things might have been done different. Speaking only for myself, I worked my butt off for the city and the residents. I missed out on many of my sons activities to attend meetings and work sessions. I received calls at all hours because I wanted to help when help was needed. I came to meetings prepared, if I had questions I got my answers before the meetings. I always treated people with respect even when I was being treated with disrespect. One last thought, we have one of the best police and fire departments in St. Louis and many, many other great people working for this great city.

          • Mike, did you know about the medical benefits for some elected officials, when did you find out about them and when did you think it was approved?

          • Jim, I knew Keith Robertson had insurance with the city, but he was paying the monthly premiums for it. As for anyone else with insurance, I found out later. Even so, it still not illegal per the state auditor. Knowing what we know now, I am sure everyone would have gotten insurance elsewhere. these people were not pulling a fast one on the public, the were trying to be responsible adults for their families. Everyone on the board, even Andy, who I didn’t always agree with, worked hard and were honest people.

          • Yeah, I guess I could have used different phrasing. It “looks” like nobody really knew or cared about the financial shenanigans that went on for some unspecified number of years. Maybe looks are deceiving. I’m not sure how you arrive at your statement regarding BFD & BPD. Are you using some objective measure? I have had no problem with either dept., but I’ve also never had a fire or committed a crime. I mean, I know we’ve built really nice workplaces for them, but I don’t think that makes them “best”. What metrics are you using to confer “best” status? And there’s no doubt that there are “great” people working for the city. As there’s no doubt that some not so great ones were/are employed by us. That’s no different than any company or group of employees. However, bad city employees get access to other people’s money. And some of ours didn’t resist temptation, did they? So now there’s some heat on the city. Not a lot, but a lot more than they’re used to. That’s probably a good thing, don’t you think? Better than back to business as usual.

  9. Thank you Matt, and the other two women that spoke in support of Mrs. Sanders. You brought up things that I was never aware of in the city government, and will now try further educate myself about.

    I didn’t see anything personal in your accusations, just what every individual should be aware of and should try to speak up about, as part of an educated and involved citizenry.

  10. I get the distinct feeling that Larry, or one of his close relatives, has dug in at the public trough and doesn’t intend to be pushed away from it by some public-spirited do-gooder interested in governmental integrity.
    Care to address Saunders’ point about the pension board Larry?
    No, you’d rather make a lame attempt at moral superiority which blows up in your face upon a close reading of your comment.
    If you’re on the city payroll, I’ll at least give you credit for using this silly argument to protect your lunch bowl. If you’re not, then you’re a bit of a fool who enjoys being taken for a ride by very well compensated public employees. What it looks like is that the Brentwood gravy train riders are attempting to smear the one member of the board who would hold them responsible for past misdeeds. That should stop now, in fact, there never should have been a gravy train in the first place.

  11. I noticed in your reply Larry that you decided not to take the high road, yet you expected Saunders to take this action, just so you know this is called being a “hypocrite”. Glad to know that someone as manly as you would be the first to stick up for your own wife. And by the way, this is a personal attack as it is amazing that people can write about what is wrong while staying in that wrong lane. Do yourself a favor and watch the Toohey comments, they are all on video captured for folks like you who do not attend meetings. The state audit is also available to review. You may want to glance at that as well. By the way, education is a good thing, you should try it.

  12. Larry – please give example of what was personal. Sounded like he had a political fact check sheet on Toohey and as far as the behavior of others, from what I recall with the state audit, it all happened. The other thing to keep in mind Larry, is if Alderman Saunders had not petitioned for the state audit, the possibility exists that Brentwood could still have issues and you as a citizen would never know. Larry, it’s not personal, running the city of Brentwood is all business. And by all means, if you have a better candidate, or if you are a better candidate, than run for office, that is what democracy is a about, citizen participation.

  13. Mr. Saunders, when your wife is accused of making disparaging remarks about employees and other elected officials, I am not sure stepping up to the podium and doing that yourself is the best defense. Maybe a better plan would be been to show that it is possible for a members of the Saunders family to take the high road and voice disagreement without making it so personal and nasty……………. If you and your wife represented the voice of Brentwood residents, as you claim, then Mark Wilson would be the Mayor. Even with Mrs. Saunders sending out email endorsements in favor of Mr. Wilson, he couldn’t even carry Ward 1. The good people of Brentwood rejected his salacious accusatory style. In April of 2016, the good people of Ward 1 will do that again when Mrs. Saunders seat is up.


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