Shakespeare in the Streets coming to Sutton Boulevard


Shakespeare in the Streets has been producing Shakespeare adaptations at various locations around St. Louis since 2012. The plays draw from the neighborhood and uses residents in the cast. This year it’s Maplewood’s turn, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

The adaptation this year is called “Remember Me,” and combines parts of four Shakespeare plays.

In the play, the mayor of Maplewood is getting married, while ghosts threaten the city. Hamlet and his friends give them a show to show them they are remembered. It’s “a particularly lighthearted show,” playwright Nancy Bell told the Post-Dispatch.

In the past community members have been involved, but this year the entire cast is from Maplewood. Joanna Battles, who plays Hamlet, is a professional actor and an MRH parent. Others in the cast are Phyllis Thorpe, Stephen Tronicek, Traci Ponticello, Anna Grimm, Emily Baker and Aaron Orion Baker.

The show is on Sutton between Hazel and Marietta on Sept. 16, 17 and 18. The show starts each night at 8 p.m. It’s free. Parking will be available at several lots.



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