Shop ‘n Save, police need help with Special Olympics drive


Missouri’s law enforcement officers consistently raise more than $1 million each year for Special Olympics athletes, and are currently ranked No. 7 in the world in terms of funds raised, according to  2014 Special Olympics Missouri.

unnamed(1)Every year, Shop ‘n Save and law enforcement officers team up to sell the popular Law Enforcement Torch Run T-shirt and Drive it Home Raffle tickets. This year, they’re looking for volunteers to help out.

Volunteers will be at a table at a Shop ‘n Save store promoting Special Olympics Missouri and giving people the opportunity to buy shirts and tickets.

The event is on October 16-18 and shifts go from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. each day. View specific store locations and sign up here.


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