Signals shut down Tuesday at Manchester & Big Bend, prepped for new turn lane


For several hours through the middle of Tuesday, the intersection of Manchester Road and S. Big Bend Boulevard was on 4-way stop, as contractors replaced electronics in the traffic signals.

The signal work was related to the right-turn lane now being added to southbound Big Bend at the intersection next to the QuikTrip under construction. The work was required by St. Louis County, according to St. Louis County Highways representative, David Wrone. He said a flashing yellow arrow will be added to the signals.

He said the 4-way stop was unavoidable.

“Anytime you’re making adjustments to the signal control mechanism you have to turn off the power to the signals,” Wrone said. “They tried to time it so it wasn’t during rush hours.”

He said the situation was complicated by the construction of the new right turn lane next to QuikTrip.

Wrone said he didn’t know when the turn lane would be completed. The QuikTrip station is due to open May 12, according to QuikTrip real estate manager, Alan Renner.




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