Brentwood signs conflict with state law; change could come

A sign on Sonora Avenue cautions drivers to slow down.

Drivers on Hatton Lane, Sonora and Lawn avenues and the 8900 block of White Avenue, in Brentwood, are warned by signs to slow down because children are playing in the area.

The wording on the signs might change, additional warnings could be painted on the streets and more streets could get the warnings, depending on what the board of aldermen decide.

A sign on Sonora Avenue cautions drivers to slow down.
A sign on Sonora Avenue cautions drivers to slow down.

City Administrator Bola Akande said the wording on the current signs conflict with a state statue that calls such a street a “play street.”

The state law also prohibits cut-through traffic.

Ward 1 Alderwoman Maureen Saunders asked why more streets aren’t designated Slow—Children, if it stops cut-throughs.

Mayor Pat Kelly said the Slow—Children signs weren’t there by law. They were just a warning to slow down that the city decided to put up, usually at the request of the residents. He said the first Slow-Children street was Sonora Avenue, which had 40-50 kids.

On the 8900 block of White Avenue, the signs say, "Slow - School"
On the 8900 block of White Avenue, the signs say, “Slow – School”

He said you don’t want every street in the city designated a play street.

“I don’t know that in today’s society we want to encourage people to play in the streets.” That’s why we have parks, Kelly said.

Saunders said “play streets” doesn’t encourage people to play in the street, but just warns drivers to slow down.

Ward 3 Alderman Andy Leahy asked if the signs really have to change, if the purpose is simply to is caution drivers to slow down. He suggested doing it in a less restrictive way, without passing a law.

These signs are available from the Brentwood Police Department.
These signs are available from the Brentwood Police Department.

Kelly eventually made a motion to table the topic.

The board also discussed a proposed law that would limit commercial traffic on Eager Road and others, during construction of Manhasset Village in Richmond Heights, which is due to begin next year.


  1. Seriously? I love our city, and I donate a tons of time to volunteer for it, but this is what we’re spending on our time on? We have children that do play on Lawn Avenue. I know, because I live there. Kids up and down our street on trikes and with wagons, and new children that have been born that are now toddlers! We have kids running down the street to the ice cream man. Please do not remove the signs. Also, we have LOTS of speeders and cut through traffic – we’re just too polite on Lawn Avenue to complain about it. Our homes may not be as valuable as those on some other streets, but our kids are just as valuable. If the signs are supposed to prevent cut through traffic, that’s great! The children on our block will be safer if the signs remain – exactly as they are. Our street hasn’t been a squeaky wheel, and I’m sure that’s not necessary for a safe and sound public policy outcome on this. Thank you!

  2. This afternoon at about 4:35/ 4:40 we almost had several people killed as a car crested the hill on Rosalie, heading west towards Brentwood Blvd going at least 60mph, blowing thru the 4 way stop sign at the park by the pool road. 6 children and 6 adults witnessed this insanity. They were apparently running from a robbery at Wal-Mart, turned off Hanley onto Litzinger, then down Rosalie. I’ve never seen anything like it. They weren’t stopping, even with the ice cream truck there surrounded by little kids. Thank GOD a kid wasn’t crossing in that crosswalk back to the park at that stop sign. It was like something out of a move. Does someone have to die before this nonsense gets under control? This is a residential neighborhood! It should not be a cut thru for Hanley and Brentwood Blvd. Is it gonna take a child being run down before someone addresses this! It could be any one of you or your children that it happens to. SPEAK UP PEOPLE!! There is strength in numbers and they can’t ignore the masses. I’m going to city hall, our police chief, The school, 40 South and if necessary, the media. Enough is enough…I want my kids and your kids alive!

    • Brentwood has grown in traffic with both the Innerbelt popularity, and the commercialization of so much previously residential property. I do not think it is out of line to REMIND people they are in a residential area, in particular Rosalie which is a fire lane and wider, more live a boulevard. People KNOW they can cut cross-town traffic from Hanley to Brentwood Blvd by hurrying through the cross streets. Well I have seen speeding cars on these residential aves. and this is not new. I do not understand why posting signage should be a problem. Either that, or put up those ‘real-time’ speed LED signs to TELL people they need to slow down. Don’t think people are indifferent, but just frustrated by the traffic congestion. These cross-town side streets need to have preventative reminders so people are called to conscientiously remember people live on these streets. Children should not be in danger if they play close to home, versus going farther from home to a park. Children and parents need to have confidence in the safety of their own neighborhoods.

  3. It’s kind of ridiculous to imply that if more of these signs were up, that it would encourage kids to play in the street. I think most reasonable folks know these signs are there for the purpose to make drivers aware that there are kids living amongst these residential neighborhoods. Kids that walk or ride their bikes to school or to a friends house or even on their way to go play in a local park. I think each and every street in Brentwood should have one of these signs, or perhaps a more modern version such as the ones that read,
    “We (heart) our children. Please slow down.”


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