SMM students serve at St. Patrick Center


Part of the mission of Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic School is to provide a foundation in Christ through serving others. [On Nov. 22] we demonstrated SERVICE to others and the whole school participated: we decorated bags, wrote notes, made sandwiches, and bagged cookies and chips for Saint Patrick Center. 

St. Patrick Center is one of Missouri’s largest providers of housing, employment and health opportunities for people who are homeless or at the risk of becoming homeless.  Saint Mary Magdalen School chose this charity to share our blessings with the less fortunate in Saint Louis.

All of the children from three years old through eighth grade have been studying the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. This project helped to reaffirm the gifts of generosity, kindness, goodness and joy. Our call as followers of Jesus Christ compels us to be His presence in this world and especially in our community.





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