Southwest Avenue reopens, trench at Manchester


Southwest Avenue reopened Monday afternoon after being closed for MSD work since April 2015. Storm water pipes 72 – 90 inches in diameter were buried between Bellevue and McCausland avenues.

Crews have now turned the corner on Bellevue Avenue and are laying pipe going north to Bruno. MSD spokesperson Sean Hadley said even though the trench on Bellevue at Manchester looks ominous (not his word), there will be “limited closures” and “limited lane restrictions” during the work on Bellevue, including as it crosses Manchester. Bi-State has said the bus route on Bellevue won’t be affected.


This MSD work, now at Bellevue and Manchester, is coming north on Bellevue Avenue.



  1. I also was very surprised that after all that work and being closed for so long, that they didn’t resurface the street. It’s in bad shape. What better time to do it?

  2. When are they going to repave the street so a car can drive on it? We drove down Southwest today–horrible! Like riding a roller coaster.

    • Glad it’s back open. I agree the surface finish sucks, even the new concrete is bad let alone the old area that their equipment messed up.


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