Restaurant sign posted, plus spaces for lease at Manchester and Sutton


Spaces at the southeast and northwest corners of Manchester Road and Sutton Boulevard are up for lease.

At the northwest corner, 7401 Manchester Road, Schlafly Corporation has the 1,685 square feet space offered at $20 per square foot. Goebel & Company Furniture was there for a year. The last day for that lease is Aug. 24, Martin Goebel said. Goebel still has its ‘production studio’ at at 2936 Locust Street, St. Louis.

At the southeast corner, 7376 Manchester Road, is “approximately 2,000 square feet”  offered by Red Brick, it’s  It’s also offered at $20 per square foot. Elmwood restaurant, now under construction in the same building, will face Sutton Boulevard at the corner.

The Elmwood sign in the window is temporary.

See also: Elmwood restaurant opens up – makes a big hole in a wall, Wong’s Inn future uncertain

7401 Manchester Road
Interior of 7401 Manchester Road
7376 Manchester Road
Elmwood restaurant is underway, facing Sutton Boulevard





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