Specialty food shop, Larder and Cupboard opens


With little fanfare, Larder and Cupboard, a specialty food shop co-owned by Brian Pelletier of Kakao Chocolate, and Cindy Higgerson, opened late Sunday afternoon, at 7310 Manchester Road.

“So the boss just ripped the paper off the windows. Ready or not…” Higgerson posted on Twitter. She’s @mcharcuterie.

The official store opening is Wednesday; the ribbon cutting is Nov. 18 at 5:15 p.m.

Higgerson said lots more product is due to arrive, beginning with a truckload on Monday.

See also: Beer tasting room, specialty food shop to open in coming weeks, Vom Fass celebrates 5th with 40-bottle wine tasting

In the store Sunday afternoon was bourbon barrel aged vanilla extract, bitters, cocktail kits, jams, jellies, preserves and honeys. Higgerson said no one in the Midwest is selling Mike’s Hot Honey, from New York. There is also locally-produced cheese.

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Hours for Larder and Cupboard will be 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday; same as Kakao Chocolate (7272 Manchester Road).


  1. I am also excited to try this new place. Christmas will be here sooner than we think (or at least sooner than I think, anyway). My partner and I love to shop local when we can. Thanks for offering yet another place to shop within our very own “Foodie Mecca.”


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