Fifth, sixth and seventh grade students from Saint Mary Magdalen, Saint Genevieve Dubois, Little flower and Our Lady of the Pillar filled the gym at Saint Genevieve Dubois School and had the privilege of talking to an astronaut on the International Space Station.

They listened intently as amateur radio operators contacted the International Space Station with the help of an 11-foot antenna that was placed on the roof of Saint Genevieve Dubois School.
Saint Mary Magdalen students Megan T. and Mark P. both got to ask a question to the astronaut, Dr. Kjell Lindgren. While they were speaking to him the International Space Station flew from Washington state to Florida in nine minutes.
Science teachers from each school have been using NASA program information in their classes, including presentations and activities on radio, satellites, weather and the space station. NASA chooses only 12 schools in the nation to take part in these conversations with the astronauts. Saint Genevieve was the only school in Missouri to be chosen for this incredible honor.