Stone Spiral Spring Plants Ready for Beds


Heirloom tomatoes and peppers! Fragrant flowering and culinary herbs! Stone Spiral puts them out for sale starting Saturday April 24, safe from frost and ready for rays.

Ruth Wilson, Stone Spiral’s manager, has raised with love another year’s bumper crop of seedlings. Serenaded by classics on basement FM as pungent java wafts above. Seeds from Baker Creek and other sources offer a wide variety of herbs and veg.

Look for the plant racks outside Stone Spiral Coffee and Curios,  corner of Sutton and Lyndover, two blocks north of Manchester. $5 each or pay what you can afford, while they last.

Stone Spiral serves coffees, teas and light breakfast, seven days a week, 8 am – 1 pm with terrace and limited indoor seating. Happy Spring!


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