Stop sign added to northbound Sutton at Marietta

A stop sign was installed at northbound Sutton at Marietta Friday.

A new stop sign went up Friday morning at northbound Sutton Boulevard at Marietta Avenue. Maplewood City Council passed an ordinance in March to give a stop sign there a 6-month trial.

Ward 3 Councilman Barry Greenberg said in the meeting that a sign there might be helpful because turning from Marietta onto Sutton can be dangerous because of limited sight distance, especially when turning left onto Sutton.

The stop sign at westbound Marietta is now 2-way, as is the new sign on Sutton.

A stop sign was installed at northbound Sutton at Marietta Friday.
A stop sign was installed at northbound Sutton at Marietta Friday.


  1. When you are on Marietta and see there is a stop sign for the north bound Sutton traffic it is easily assumed the south bound Sutton traffic also has a stop sign. It is great to have a stop sign added for the north bound Sutton traffic but this will take some getting used to.

  2. I just tried it out (coming from Sutton). Great idea because it is so hard to see when coming out of Marietta. Some stop signs annoy me in places where they are too frequent but this one is necessary.


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