Strange Donuts sidewalk concert


Strange Donuts (2709 Sutton Boulevard, Maplewood) continued its Summer Concert Series Friday night on the sidewalk outside the shop with Blackwell—acoustic guitars and vocals. Inside, The Haze of Thunder donut (hazelnut & cookie crumbles) was the star.


  1. I wish Strange Donuts would put a couple benches on the sidewalk outside their shop. I feel bad for all the people eating donuts on the curb!! Plus it would beautify the streetscape!

  2. Hey Blackwell – would you like to be on the Face the Music show on 1380 The X, Extreme Talk Radio? We have a live show on Saturday 2-5pm and Sunday 5-9pm. It’s on 1380 AM here in St. Louis, it has an app as well as stream (both are clear quality) – tune in tomorrow night on 1380thex dot com/listen if you want to hear the show live. Then if you are interested, contact us via our email – facethemusicstl at gmail dot com


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